New Pro-Life means never having to confront abortion |
Written by Herndon de la Rosa, and edited by Mark Shea. You see, the New Prolife Christians (NPLCs) are, in fact, that religious wing of the emergent Left. That is, they act as if they accept the Left's doctrine that the sanctity of life stops dead where its advantage for the Political Left ends, only with religious sounding spins. By seamless garment, they increasingly mean what the Left means when it chastises someone like
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey: You're either 100% with us every day on every issue, or you're 110% deplorable, irremediable or otherwise.
The Political Left, of course, doesn't care about the sanctity of human life any more than any other man made political movement necessarily does. It likely cares less. After all,
where was NARAL's protests back when Obama was deporting immigrants? Where was NARAL or the press when immigrants were being detained and separated from their families in 2014? Where were the cries of Holocaust, Auschwitz, Hitler and Nazi then?
You'd never know it, from the Left or the NPLCs |
Unless I'm missing something, that would be almost nowhere. Those cries would be the same place as the Left's coverage of half as many people dying of AIDS in America every year as murdered by guns. That would be the Left that drops like a hot potato an unarmed American brutalized or killed by police when it turns out the police officer in question was black. That would be the Left that thinks nothing of the misery and suffering brought to Americans by immigrants due to the skin color and heritage of those Americans.
Yes, the Left has schooled Christians in the teachings of St. Saruman
* well, whether that's the reason for their capitulation or not. You shall care about life when we say so if you're going to join with the new power that is rising. This is the Political Left that elevates to the source and summit of all secular sacraments abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide and all manner of sexual gratification in the era of 36 million dead from AIDS. This is the Left increasingly proud of its demands that all civil rights be subjugated to obedience to the Left. This is the Left that renounces the Christian Faith, even announcing that Christians who believe salvation is through Jesus have no business sitting near the front of the political bus. This is the Left that turns a blind eye to the suffering under Islam of religious, and other, minorities unless it can be used for political leverage in America.
And this is the Left that the so-called New Prolife Christians almost universally support. How do the NPLCs reconcile with the various heretical beliefs and sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance that are embraced, advocated and promoted by the Left?
First, they make those sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance, like abortion, into nothing more than a matter of polite and respectful disagreement. They then, in a manner similar to Pope Francis, elevate the various political platforms, narratives and policies of the Left to non-negotiables. Global Warming, Open Borders, Post-National Global Government, Socialized Medicine, even acceptance of non-heterosexuality as a gift from God in all but name - these become the absolutes, the dogmas against which there is no argument.
What about issues associated with the modern Left, like sexual immorality, blaspheme, heresy, abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, state mandated termination of sickly children, embryonic stem cell research (yeah, remember that one)? Those become the little points of departure with which we can lovingly and respectfully disagree. If pressed, they are blamed on the Left's bogymen: Traditional white skinned American Christian men. Abortion becomes the fault of vile Capitalist, rapists misogynists. Euthanasia the unfortunate result of a Capitalist driven economy gone mad. Suicide the sad consequence of mental and emotional problems born of an oppressive and wicked society.
And if those excuses don't do it, the NPLCs simply attack. They attack the traditional believer and pro-lfie advocate through lies and insults, calumny and character assassination. They embrace the modern progressive notion that we judge the hearts and minds, not the actual actions, of all who fail to conform. Sure, the traditional Christian pro-lifer might look like they care, like they do the right thing, like they really value all life - but we've seen their wicked hearts and know better! Note that recurring theme in Mark's posts (though he is hardly alone).
Nope, the NPLCs are merely religious foot soldiers for the political Left. Why, I don't know. Maybe they just no longer believe anything that isn't filtered through a post-Christian world view. Maybe they believe in the inevitability of progress, that we're just getting better all the time and the old ways are therefore necessarily wrong. Or perhaps they have seen the writing on the wall, and are in no way prepared to become outcasts who are marginalized by a post-Christian society. Their leaders realize that, to be blunt, if you want to be the next Billy Graham when living in the USSR, you have to wear a hammer and sickle. And so they do. Mark's entire piece is simply a long screed trying to square the round hole of having elevated political policy to sacred dogma and reduce sacred dogma and intrinsic evils to minor points of polite disagreement.
This is how it happens, BTW. My sons, being homeschooled, learned that slavery wasn't something our evil and bigoted forefathers invented to slake their racist lust. Rather, racism was the outgrowth that resulted from bringing slaves from Africa and eventually treating them differently than others in various forms of servitude. As the slaves from Africa came in droves, those slave owners had to have an excuse, as humans always do. That's where racism came from: a sinful rationalization for doing the wrong thing. FWIW, they also know that Europeans weren't the first to adopt racist justifications for African slavery, but that's for another post.
So those Christians today who want to serve Jesus and also want to be invited to all the best parties at the anti-Christian Kremlin must find excuses as well. And those excuses are starting to sound a lot like those slave owners of old explaining why African slaves should be slaves for life; an excuse, a justification, a rationalization, but certainly not historical Christian teaching. That so much of the NPLC's obedience to the Left depends on judging the inner heart and soul of those who seem to do the right thing but don't conform to the political Left merely adds to the problem and should make it obvious that the NPLCs are on the wrong track.
It's worth noting that this sweet comment arrived on the blog, celebrating Mark's post:
Thank you. This is a
powerful and important testimony, and I say that as a former officer in the
Texas chapter of NARAP and a monthly donor to Planned Parenthood. There are people who think abortion is great –
there are seven billion humans and many of them are terrible – but most of us
think that abortion is like chemotherapy; a bad thing that is marginally better
than a worse thing, and the worse thing in this instance is bearing a child
that the women cannot care for or nurture. The Old PLM organized around a
hatred for the changing role of women in society and tried to make themselves
look good using pictures of newborns. I
don’t share their ultimate goal, but at least the New PLM women understand that
abortion is a terribly complex problem that is poorly addressed by the criminal
justice system. I look forward to
working with women like Destiny to make the world a more welcoming and nurturing
And again, than you for your wisdom on this issue.
In the olden days, most pro-life Christian blogs were not the place that former officers of organizations dedicated to providing abortions, and donors to the choice of abortion, came to sing praises and adoration of the blogger in question. New Pro-Life indeed.
So how do you get abortion industry officers to sing your praises as a New Pro-Life Advocate? To recap:
- Declare Sacred Dogma a matter of personal opinion that we can lovingly agree to disagree about. Love Jesus, hate Jesus, piss on Jesus, it matters not. What matters is:
- Declare political narratives, premises, policies and platforms the Real Sacred Dogma that alone bringeth salvation and righteousness, and all who dare resist guilty of nothing less than mortal sin
- Emphasize verbal conformity to the political over and against actually doing the will of God (see the John Lennon principle for guidance)
- When confronted by the sins of the new progressive sacraments, you may do several things:
- You may blame society or whatever bogeyman is in vogue
- You may deflect, focusing on some obscure stat and ignoring the stats that are inconvenient
- You may simply cover up, ignore or downplay the sin altogether
- You may attack those who point out the sin, falsely accusing them of secretly wanting to murder babies or Hitler as good as always; judging motives, heart and soul works well here
- Finally, you let the political power dictate what is and isn't important, and when it is and isn't important. If it says deporting immigrants is the next Holocaust (c. 2018), then so be it. You must join in the outcry. If, however, it chooses to downplay the deporting of immigrants (c. 2014), then you had best keep your mouth shut, too. Remember, 100% obedience 110% of the time
And that, kiddies, is how you do it. I'm beginning to think
Rod Dreher is right. The time is coming when Christians will - and should - be an oppressed minority. All of those jumping ship in order to align with the principalities and powers of this present darkness, for whatever reasons, will have to account for their allegiance in due time.
*' "And listen, Gandalf, my old friend and helper! " he said, coming near and speaking now in a softer voice. "I said we, for we it may be, if you will join with me. A new Power is rising. Against it the old allies and policies will not avail us at all. There is no hope left in Elves or dying Númenor. This then is one choice before you. before us. We may join with that Power. It would be wise, Gandalf. There is hope that way. Its victory is at hand; and there will be rich reward for those that aided it. As the Power grows, its proved friends will also grow; and the Wise, such as you and I, may with patience come at last to direct its courses, to control it. We can bide our time, we can keep our thoughts in our hearts, deploring maybe evils done by the way, but approving the high and ultimate purpose: Knowledge, Rule, Order; all the things that we have so far striven in vain to accomplish, hindered rather than helped by our weak or idle friends. There need not be, there would not be, any real change in our designs, only in our means."
The Lord of the Ring, The Fellowship of the Ring
Always remember, for every Christian martyr who was marched into German concentration camps, there were ten German Christians behind them with guns and swastikas on their armbands.