Monday, October 14, 2024

Some old reflections on Columbus Day

Here, here, here and here.  It's barely mentioned now.  In fact, here in Buckeye land, this is the time when different outlets point out the effort by some to change the name of our state's capital.  One network - our local CBS affiliate - now refers to the city and city news as 'C-Bus.'  In fact its morning news magazine that was Wake up Columbus is now Wake Up C-Bus.  That's long been an informal nickname in these parts, but usually not for official use.  

Today Columbus is all but gone, and increasingly if the day is mentioned at all, it's Indigenous Peoples Day, or similar.  Of course now we're seeing challenges against everything from Washington and Jefferson, to the Constitution itself (earlier editorial from the New Yorker).

Things are happening fast.  Vichy Conservatives have long hidden behind the idea that bellyaching about such trivial things is just sissy stuff.  They'll wait until the gulags or the gas chambers are in full swing, then they'll start to worry.  Never a great strategy.  And looking at where things are and where they are going, and how quickly they are getting there, should be all the evidence you need for that appraisal. 

As for the Left venerating cultures who did what Columbus is accused of doing or worse?  Need I prattle on about that?  I think by now the reasons for that strange hypocrisy should be clear. 


  1. (Tom New Poster)
    Hope you can stand your ground in Ohio. Our largely Filipino parish still says "Columbus Day", in part because we have an active KC chapter.

    1. We try. I've been on the State GOP because in 2020/2021 when the mayor of Columbus led the charge to remove Columbus statues, and other local venues followed the his lead, the GOP said they would step in and get those statues and put them up for all to see in a safe space. Four years later and they are nowhere to be seen. I'm concluding that Christians/Conservatives have been wrong headed for thinking the GOP will be that army of knights in shining armor to hold back the barbarian hordes.


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