Monday, October 7, 2024

Oh yeah, that happened

Today is the one year anniversary of the worst single day slaughter of Jews since World War II.  It's easy to forget, since that thing we used to call the news media has done yeoman's work hiding that story under a bushel over the last year. 

Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and others have the West's number of course.  For various reasons, we in the West have for generations gone out of our way to tear down, criticize, and condemn the heroes and good guys, while bending over backwards to make excuses for the bad guys.  This tendency has fed into the dreams of those Arabic and Muslim factions who desire the eradication of Israel and, if need be, the slaughter of any Jews who get in the way.

They know full well that they can attack Israel, then sit back and wait for the condemnation of Israel as soon as it retaliates.  True, because of the initial shock and horror of October 7th and its scope, that response took a few days.  But it wasn't more than a few days before the West/UN began noting Israel's atrocities, whether accused or verified, and letting that be the emphasis.   

This makes the Hamas tendency of using civilians as human shields a brilliant maneuver.  Because no matter how flagrantly it does this, or - super unspoken secret - however many Palestinians and others willingly allow themselves to be so used in order to topple Israel - they know the West/UN will simply condemn Israel.  If we in the West acknowledge this tactic, that is about all we do.  Then it's back to full condemnation of Israel as our only response. And everyone knows it. 

This isn't to say Israel has done nothing wrong.  It is war.  Horrible things happen in every war ever fought.  And the innocent are often the biggest victims.  But for most of human history - including the Christian world - it was understood that the greater good of fighting evil and protecting the overall wellbeing of the innocent necessitated the risk, and sometimes the sorry tragedies.  

Not today.  Today we will gladly let evil reign as long as it doesn't impact us.  Anything less than perfection, and we'll rip those fallible good guys and give all but a blank check to the baddies.  It's almost like condemning the heroes for failing to win perfectly has become an excuse for not bothering to be one.  That what passes for the virtuous demands for nothing less than perfection in executing the righteous cause is simply cowardice with a Jesus mask.  

This doesn't count the motives of trashing Israel because it is seen as an extension of the West, and therefore the oppressor, and therefore it deserves to go, along with the whole of the Western Tradition.  That's a different ballgame.  This is merely observing that cultural tendency we've developed of having an almost Pavlovian aversion to the ones trying to be the heroes, while excusing and almost supporting those who traditionally would be seen as the villains. 


  1. This is a really myopic piece. What happened on October 7 was monstrous and indefensible. Those two words could also be used to characterize the Israeli government's response to October 7. Unfortunately, lots of Christian boomers are eager to defend Israel because they dislike Islam in general and the Arab world in particular. I don't think you have to be a woke lib-tard to recognize that slaughtering tens of thousands of civilians is a really dumb way to respond to a terrorist attack. And it's an even worse way to prevent future terrorist attacks. Of course, many conservatives who claim to have learned from the War on Terror seem eager to start a war with Iran, and Netanyahu's spent the last thirty years chomping at the bit to make that happen. Add in the language of the culture wars ("Anybody who's critical of Israel is woke.") and you've got a recipe for disaster.

    Never mind the fact that the government of Israel is extremely pro-abortion. But I digress.

    1. Amazing how many of you holier than thou never have the solution to terrorism that you claim is oh so obvious. Funny how it always seems to boil down "shut up and take it."

      Yeah I can't imagine why Christians have issues with Islam. Funny how it's the Jews' fault if they inspire more terrorism when they kill Muslim children but Jews and Christians are being unreasonable when they get mad at Muslims raping and murdering their children.

      Way to ultimately prove Dave's point that you people are not ultimately about morals, it's all about hate. Well go elsewhere. Nobody's buying your lies any more.

    2. Hamas is responsible for EVERY dead 'Palestinian' child. EVERY one. When you start a war then these things happen, and the responsibility lies with the aggressor.
      That being said, does anyone really believe the numbers? Hamas lies through their teeth, so why accept their numbers?
      As for me, I say 'GO ISRAEL!' I want the Reconquista to proceed from Andalusia to Mecca.
      Islam Delenda Est.

    3. As Nate said, you're more or less proving my point. We watched the emergence of an entire movement prepared to burn everything in the West to the ground because of what a policeman did to George Floyd, but suddenly it's a problem when people call out terrorist organizations and those who support them for the worst single day murder of Jews since the Holocaust? And this being terrorist groups more than happy to sacrifice endless thousands of innocents for the purpose of destroying Israel, which they have admitted they will try again. Those who focus on Israel I would love to hear a solution. Sit around and wait, hope it happens in some future generation, not care if Israel is wiped off the map since it's part of the West anyway? Right now, those equating Israel and Hamas seem to be doing exactly what Hamas and company are hoping they will do.

  2. This is never brought up since Octbeer 2024 but Isreal was going to sign a peace agreement with most of it's Arab neighbors. Instead the war mongers amoung the militant radical islamnists couldn't let that happen.
    Ialam is a mlitant religion.

    1. Oh, the world gets us. They know there is a movement in the West committed to destroying the West. They know that movement will ignore anything that doesn't serve that purpose, including admitting that evil can exist outside the West in any meaningful form. And they can tell there aren't many willing to stand up to this movement, including in the West. So most terrorists, or entire countries, can do as they will and know full well that if it can't be used to trash and eliminate the Western Tradition, then they won't really be called out.


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