Friday, May 31, 2024

Good update

It looks like the granddaughter has done very well, and will be coming home today.  Thanks be to God for that. With that, we'll be busy, busy, busy.  Still on hiatus, but appreciate the prayers.  Below is the last round of hospital ICU photos.  Grandpa gets a punch in the nose while grandma tries to keep the feisty girl wrapped up.  The results underneath show her as about the most rambunctious newborn I've seen. Under that are the three brothers and dad (bottom left corner) taking their turns.  With my daughter-in-law's four brothers added, I think the little girl will have plenty or uncles looking out for her.


And let the spoiling begin: 


  1. Every baby born to a loving family is the luckiest baby in the world.

    And the family seems pretty lucky here too. God's blessings on all of you. Can't wait to see the pics of her joining your board games. :D

    1. Heh. Yep. I can see it now: I don't care, Germany must invade the Soviets now! The bottle can wait!

      But yes, we definitely feel blessed at this time, I must admit.

    2. She is so sweet, and clearly well loved! No doubt she will hold her own on game night. May God bless this new family - welcome home, little one!

    3. Thanks. Yes, whatever she may like, games will have to be in the equation!

  2. (Tom New Poster)
    My late mother insisted you can't really spoil an infant (but you can try :))
    Looking like a mini-Queen Victoria on her throne.

    1. Oh, I don't know. I think we're going to do quite well in the spoiling category!

  3. Replies
    1. Yes. The kids did great through an adverse time. Now the fun begins.


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