Monday, May 13, 2024

Watching President Biden explain the economy to Erin Burnett

Including making false statements about inflation in the 2020 economy and blaming anything under the sun, made me think of this: 

If you're the sitting president, don't sound like Jake Blues. 


  1. I remember watching Joe Biden during the Judge Bork hearings eons ago and thinking "This Biden fellow is a real idiot." Nothing much has changed, except now he's a senile idiot. --- G. Poulin

    1. I was in college at the time. During the actual hearings, I had a political science professor I liked. He thought the Democrats had woefully overplayed their hand the way they went after Bork. He was surprised at how effective it ended up being. And yes, that's the first time I remember hearing the name Joe Biden. Though most attention was on Kennedy.


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