Wednesday, May 29, 2024

More updates

So things are looking good.  Our granddaughter is a feisty little bundle.  We had hoped she would be home by now.  Instead she wasn't quite where they wanted her, and then one night there was a breathing incident that sort of reset the clock.  She has been fine since, and now just about everything seems to be going smoothly.  If that keeps up, then she should be home by the end of the week thereabouts.  So here's hoping and praying.  And of course, here are the obligatory baby photos with two happy grandparents.  


  1. Hey, how come she’s awake when you’re there? She’s usually sleeping for me. :P Sweet photos!

  2. Beautiful little girl, and quite the bundle of hair!

    All of ours came into the world with Churchill's hairstyle, so it's neat to see that it does not always hae to be the case...

    1. Our oldest had a serious amount of hair. And they say I did, too. Born in 66, I'm told the hospital staff referred to me as 'Beatle'.

    2. So you were doomed to be a fan from the start, eh Dave? LoL

  3. Just a few days old and already has you wrapped around her finger doesn't she? ;)

    1. Oh, she's running the show at this point. I'm sure that won't change in the ensuing years.


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