Thursday, January 9, 2025

The Babylon Bee looks deep into the hearts of men

 And learns the truth:

Heh.  I'm not a big BB fan. It sets out to mock and lampoon the modern Left, and that's a pretty tall order.  Most often the absurdity of our World today far exceeds what comedic writers could concoct.  Nonetheless, it tries.  And once in a while, it does kick one through the uprights.  In this case I confess guilty as charged. 

Kudos for it being the old Fortress America game I mentioned here.  When a satirical piece can bring a smile and some memories, I'd call that a win. 

1 comment:

  1. (Tom New Poster)
    "Every man will regret if he has not been a soldier."
    Dr. Samuel Johnson
    Due to a childhood infection from scrofula, he lost sight in one eye and good deal of his coordination, and could never have served.


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