Wednesday, December 13, 2023

In which we learn about the Holocaust and the modern Left

And discover that with the modern Left, the Holocaust isn't necessarily a bad thing as much as it's a convenient thing.  

Per this Reuters story, it turns out the Harvard faculty is rallying around their president.  Apparently Harvard alums are doing the same.  This is in the wake of the revealing, but not surprising, testimony she and two others gave about antisemitism on campus.

It's really not difficult.  The Left is about the destruction of the Western Tradition.  I won't add Christian to that because it has effectively ended the 2000 year old Christian era.  We are heading full speed to a pre-Christian pagan world with secular foundations, and seem happy for that direction we are going. 

But whatever can be used to toppled the West matters - as long as it can be used to topple the West.  And that means taking anything, no matter how trivial, and turning it into the Death Star blowing up Alderaan.  You see, the point isn't discussions about free speech on campus we're suddenly hearing about.  Nor is it how these various presidents or other representatives of the universities reacted to the naked calls for mass murdering Israeli Jews (with a fair dose of antisemitism aimed at American Jews).  It isn't even the response of those who are suddenly embracing the idea that freedom of speech, rather than worrying about calls for genocide, is all that matters.

The issue is that the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust, a global wave of support for it and calling for more slaughter of Jews, and the continued alliance with those who would support such slaughter rather than condemning it, comes only a couple of weeks after news broke across the national press that a high school football coach had to resign.  Why?  Because some of the play calling connected to Blitz plays (common in football) were seen by a largely Jewish high school as too close to terminology associated with Nazi Germany.  So that man, a man dedicated to coaching and educating and perhaps mentoring youth in our present age, was forced to quit.  I can remember the multiple stories, and how many (Sam Rocha, I'm looking at you) jumped on the story. 

But look at the caution now.  Look at the appeals to nuance.  Observe the careful analysis about just what we're looking at, how we should look at it, and endless wrangling over freedom, justice, Israeli colonialism, cabbage and kings and anything under the sun rather than clear and unequivocal condemnation of what we have seen and heard since October 7th. 

And a month before that football coach story, we were treated for almost a week of news stories reminding us that this is the sixth anniversary of the terror, the horror, that closest thing to American death camps - the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville  No nuance there.  It was horrible, racist, fascist, to be hated and condemned.  We won't even discuss the outrage over Elon Musk posting a comment suggesting Jews speak badly of whites in ways they wouldn't want applied to Jewish people, or what Kanye West said that unleashed hellfire and fury without mercy.  Compare those reactions to the death by a thousand trivialities we're seeing now connected to the Hamas attack and those who continue to support cheer it on. 

Somewhere along the line the Left emerged as the ideological equivalent of Calvinball.   It has no core values, principles, truths, morals, ethics, nothing. It seeks the utter destruction of the Western Democratic tradition and the worldview of the Christian religion.  To that end it will make a football coach's play calling proof of all the antisemitic Nazi race hate in Western history, while looking at the slaughter of 1400 Jews and calls for more such slaughter, and suddenly want to engage in reasoned and open debate with respect and understanding because of the importance of free speech. 

Remember what my son said about debating modern liberalism.  It's like playing a boardgame with someone while they throw pots and pans at you.  That's about right.  It's not just cheating.  It's saying it gets seven points for that touchdown it scored no matter what inning I think it is or I'm a fascist who should be banned from the game.  You can't deal with something like that rationally or with any semblance of goodwill.  Because to recap: There is one ultimate goal with the Left, and anything - including calls for the genocidal slaughter of Jews - is dealt with only on a case by case basis as it hinders or benefits that goal.  Think long and hard on that one. 


  1. Like James Lindsay said: "The issue isn't the issue, the issue is the Revolution."

    At this point you just kind of hope that the hypocrisy becomes so blatant, you get the normal, "reflexively leftist" people to wake up and realize what they're being led down.

    And spot on example of hypocrisy by the way. I couldn't have asked for a better compare/contrast myself.

    1. My sons brought up the contrast between the reaction to Kanye West and the limp reaction (and pretty much sweeping under the carpet of) the Oct 7 massacre. Which got me to thinking and remembering the other.

      You know it's bad when the most charitable take is that people are abusing the notion of societal responsibility due to their ideologies. That's the most charitable thing we can say. The worst, of course, is that they don't give a rip about slaughtered Jews any more than they care about thousands of murdered blacks, or women opposed to transgender activism being hit with endless sexist attacks and rhetoric.

  2. Have you reached the "Javier is too nice to them" point yet, Dave? ;-)

    1. He's a little more crude than I would be, but the point is fair. For too long we've invoked our inner Chamberlain with force that have made it clear the destruction of everything we value - or even us if need be - is the final goal.

    2. BTW, as an interesting aside, I've been engaged in a FB debate with Deacon Greydanus over a post he showed about everyone being responsible for whatever sins in a nation. I said given the backlash against Jews and open calls for them to be killed because of Israel, is this the best time for such a post. So far, he has avoided like the plague any acknowledgement of these decidedly not-conservative attacks against American or Israeli Jews, trying to deflect to anything under the sun - including my word choice in referencing a story about that fired football coach. Somehow these things are connected.

    3. Well you never know if he's being that crude in his native tongue or if the subtitles are having some fun. (unless you speak Javier's language)

    4. True that. You just know me and that wouldn't be my approach - even if I agree fully with the point he is making.


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