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Maybe that is what he means by not being rigid |
I had a chance to meet Kevin at EWTN studios many moons ago. I was there with the Coming Home Network. He was with a group doing something with theater. It was there I met Mark Shea, and was invited to an after event gathering featuring wine, chocolates and much talk. IIRC, Kevin struck me as a decent fellow.
He probably still is, but the post-modern secular world does have a polluting effect. Kevin's sympathies are clearly left of center. He's also in the world of drama and theater, which is not exactly ground zero for Gospel values. Nonetheless, I still used to read him and see what he had to say.
Then came the great Lying for Jesus kerfuffle. That tempest was brought to us courtesy of Dawn Eden. This is how it happened. At one point, a decade or so ago, an undercover pro-life investigation discovered that Planned Parenthood might be doing some pretty horrible things with those aborted babies. The news shot across the Catholic blogosphere like wildfire. Multiple Catholics were up in arms and the outrage even began to filter into MSM news rooms.
Suddenly, out of the blue, Dawn Eden took fingers to the keyboard and, along with another contributor, said not so fast. Not that it was difficult to believe Planned Parenthood would do such a thing. Not that the allegations weren't horrible beyond imagining. But you see, this investigation was undercover. They pretended to be people who were in situations that they weren't. That is, they lied to be undercover. And that, friends, was the real grave evil. Whatever evils done by Planned Parenthood paled in comparison to Christians trying to fight evil while being less than 100% pure and honest.
Bam! I consider that the day St. Blogs died. Almost overnight, the LIARS FOR JESUS topic exploded and boiled over. Soon we found out there was no room for anything but pure, untarnished holiness when fighting for justice or life itself. No matter what the cost. Better Jews be hauled off to the camps than lie to save them. Take that Corrie ten Boom. At one point Mark Shea linked to a Catholic pediatrician who said he would let a thousand children be murdered rather than risk his soul by telling even a 'white lie' to save them.
A growing number of Internet Catholics ran in that direction, cheering Dawn Eden for her enlightened guidance in this area. Among them was Kevin O'Brien. Those Catholics trying to justify lying for any reason sinned a great sin. They became the infamous 'Liars for Jesus.' Yes, we bemoan Planed Parenthood and its operations (at least back then). Sure, we weep for the death of the innocent. Of course we should try to fight evils and injustices in the world. But never, ever should we think of doing so with anything less than pure holiness, or we immediately become the true, grave and intrinsic evil in the room. Oh, and the whole Planned Parenthood story all but dropped off the radar by that point.
Shortly after that time, a year or so perhaps, Kevin wrote a post celebrating the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off. He mused about how Ferris was such a noble, admirable figure seeking to live life in a freedom of spirit. He talked about the inspiring themes coming from the film. If there were problematic people in the film, it was everyone but Ferris Bueller: His parents, his friends' parents, the school principle, society as a whole.
I asked him if he actually had watched the same Ferris Bueller's Day Off that I watched. A movie about how a self-absorbed teenager lies, dupes, cons, and manipulates everyone around him. He lies to his parents. He lies to his school. He lies to the entire city. He mocks their kindness as one lie after another spreads and leads an entire metropolis to rally together to help save poor Bueller, who doesn't need saved at all. And he doesn't do it to rescue Jews from Nazis or keep babies from being slaughtered. He does it all just to be a lazy ne'er-do-well who cares about the latest creature comfort or itch for fun more than anything else.
How do you square the loftiest of all principles that says 'better to let a thousand children die than lie' with celebrating a movie like that? That's like emphasizing the high virtues of chastity then recommending Debbie Does Dallas. He responded with what I call 'word drool.' That is, he wrote a bunch of gibberish that sounded pretty, but meant he knew what I knew, but what could he say? That is postmodernity in a nutshell: you care about lying when you care about lying. When you don't, you don't. Just like any principle or truth claim in our post-modern age. Just like whether human suffering is important or not, or anything is true or not. Or whether siding with the slaughter of Jews is a deal breaker or not. And that was the last time I read anything he had to say.
Based on this that came to my attention, I haven't missed anything. It's a twist-turn on 'how to keep our focus on those rascally conservatives amidst growing leftwing support for Jew hate and the extermination of Israeli Jews!' He even references conservative David French who reminds us that right-wingers are terrible for expecting pregnant mothers to bring all babies to term or daring to suggest the Science wasn't 100% awesome when it came to Covid. Sure, there is some leftwing Jew hate, but let's not take our eyes off the ball!
People like David French and Keven O'Brien remind me of why I align conservative. Not just based on common sense and an objective analysis of secular liberalism's staggering failures. But because conservatives, for all their shortcomings, failures, badness and sins, tend to be honest about being conservative. They are conservatives. They admit it. They admit what they do and don't like.
People like O'Brien and French couch their leftwing sympathies in variations of 'I'm not a leftist, it's not my fault the thing wrongly called leftwing ideology just happens to incarnate the Messianic perfection of the Thrice-Holy God! Hey, merely pointing out conservatives are usually fascists, racists, sexists and motivated by malice. Just following the science here!' And when that comfortable narrative is threatened by, say, non-conservative, non-Christian, non-White and non-Western calls for ethnic cleansing and the slaughter of Jews, salvaging that unspoken narrative alliance becomes a top priority.
I'm a stickler for consistency and basic honesty. No matter my education, I have a meat and potatoes approach to virtue that I inherited from my less formerly educated parents. Be honest, be consistent, be good, and be real. And that includes following through with lofty values by which you define good and evil, even if it might impact a movie you like. If you can't do better than that, I'll assume you can't do much good in anything. Seeing so many on the Left pull Rodney Dangerfields over the leftwing Israeli Jew hate just goes to show what I mean by anything.
It is my observation that those who went Leftist were the ones already prone to needing their external affiliations to look a certain way in the eyes of the world. It was culturally okay to be a "conservative Catholic" up until a certain point, (cough, cough, Trump....) and then you must not only disavow these backward rubes you don't want to get lumped in with, but you must also throw as many of them under the bus as possible.
ReplyDeleteKevin O'Brien was one of a group of people affiliated with the American Chesterton Society to contribute to a completely out of the blue character hit piece in the National Catholic Reporter on Dale Ahlquist in the last year. Stuff like that... totally trashing your former friend for no reason other than to make yourself look better in the world's eyes, automatically disqualifies you from being taken seriously as any sort of Christian commentator in my opinion. If you are so needy as to need your current world view validated as "not foolish" in front of others, then how Gospel are you?
I have to disagree about the Trump cause. I feel that for many, Trump was merely the excuse, not the reason. Many were already swinging hard left of center long before Trump decided to step in and seriously run. Mark Shea and Russ Moore leap to mind as ones already cozying with the left of center well before Trump was a thing. I think many used Trump to say 'see, didn't want to align with the Left, but Trump made me.'
DeleteI am not shocked that Dale got hit with such a piece. I know that pre-Oct 7, Dawn Eden was all about focusing on antisemitism and racism in the Church. The old 'why lift up people in the past when we can tear them down as the sinners they were' approach. I lost track of her approach to this after Oct 7. I know she was genuinely shocked at the 'kill the Jews' rhetoric that came out of 'not white rightwing MAGA' types after Hamas did so. So not sure there. But those who have made such tempests in teapots, or applied shock and appall selectively depending on who is calling for Jews to be slaughtered, remind us that most of the 'national repentance' and 'corporate sin' is simply a thinly veiled tactic for destroying the Western Tradition and its heritage.
Yeah everyone is all in favor of "corporate sin" up until suddenly it's their group that's sinned. That is what a lot of Jews are learning now. I hope the lesson sticks and we can move on from this wretched concept.
DeleteWell, those Jews are learning what conservative blacks and non-leftwing feminist women should have learned - they mean only what is beneficial for tearing down Western Civ. The minute - the second - that their suffering does not good in that category it ceases to matter. In fact, it might be beneficial to support inflicting the suffering if beneficial. Hence destroying Israel and the associated slaughter of Israeli Jews - suddenly a matter of polite debate.
DeleteI actually agree with you on the Trump point. He definitely wasn't the cause, but the breaking point. And boy, did some people break, LOL
DeleteWhat I noticed about the trend leftward for some was that it started from being in financial straits. They couldn't quite square needing government help with being a political "conservative". Which is ridiculous, but I guess some needed to be either all one way or another, and if you went one way you had to go all in with all the things. But, ultimately, I do think it comes down for most people as not wanting to seem foolish in the eyes of the world and a weird compulsion to explain oneself.
As far as the Ferris Bueller thing...I was thinking about it...that movie has NOT held up well, IMO. It's super annoying to me for all the reasons you mentioned above, including the shallowness of Ferris and his glorified deceptions. I do not think it's a movie that can be celebrated for anything other than people get its cultural references.
Perhaps some of the angst about being conservative and needing government help stemmed from both sides drawing some line as if to say you either fully support socialism, or everything from the president to local dog catcher is anathema because of government. I dunno.
DeleteBut even as a godless agnostic college heathen, I didn't care for that movie when it came out. I kept asking myself 'why is the principle who wants him to stay in school and get an education the bad guy here, and the kid who lies, manipulates, uses and exploits entire populations the good guy?'
It put a new spin on "perfect is enemy of the good" for me, definitely. In almost all of those cases it was like hearing someone declare, "well that Churchill guy is a drunkard a bit rude so I'm just going to stay on the side of this Adolf guy." Like Shea's insistence on calling pro-lifers "people of the lie" despite the plethora of evidence that the pro-aborts lie just as much (if not more).
ReplyDeleteSame thing with the latest middle east kerfuffle. I see a lot of critiques about Israel from people (like killing civilians) but then I can't ever get an answer from them about Hamas also killing civilians. Like they keep "claiming" to care about both sides doing it, but I only ever see them expressing care about one side doing it. They will always put the worst interpretation on any remark that may conceivably offend a minority—unless the remark is about Jews, and especially Israelis. In that case, they will put an innocent interpretation on even the most offensive remark.
Like you say, at some point you just realize they don't actually believe any of it, they're just making excuses.
As I said above, it's because this slaughter of Jews is more in line with the Left's overall goal of a post-Western world. But yes, my boys have said that somewhere in the 20th Century, we began giving a pass, if not outright celebrating, the bad while calling hellfire down on the good if they are anything less than perfect. They figure it's easier to justify not doing great things ourselves if we can find fault in those who do. This has allowed those who want to justify aligning with movements increasingly proud of their evils like you say. Churchill? The only bad person in the room and an existential threat to the universe - so I have to align with Mr. Adolf over there. And as that thing we call the Left becomes more naked in its advocacy of grave evils, race hate and excusing genocide, mutilating youth and cheering for more abortion, the excuse making gets worse and worse.
DeleteSadly, what Kevin is doing reads like an attempt to solidify his status with his new "out-group" and is just as dogmatically-dismissive of "them" in the process.
ReplyDelete"[They]" are culpably-ignorant. "[They]" are morally-corrupt. "[They]" killed people. "[They]" are the haters. "[They]" have nothing of value to offer.
He never struck me as a flamethrower back in the day, and I don't think he is now. But to the extent he has changed...it apparently isn't much as he thinks, which is a genuinely-tragic irony.
And really--pick a lane: in an essay that starts with Trump, it's weird to go to covid (the guy whose admin did "Operation Warp Speed") and antisemitism (the guy with a Jewish daughter and grandkids). Not to mention his backpedaling on abortion. It is a perfect exemplar of "any stigma to beat a dogma."
antisemitism (the guy with a Jewish daughter and grandkids)
DeleteDon't forget he also got put on a special coin commemorating Israel's 70th anniversary.
No, he wasn't a flame thrower then. Just adamant about the inexcusable nature of all lying ever. Which is why his gushing review of that movie jumped out at me. Seeing the linked to post, however, which as you say is they, them, they, them wrapped in the illusion of 'we must do something' suggests he's still trying desperately not to come across as he clearly has grown comfortable being.
DeleteYou described J.D. Flynn to the "T".
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, I'm not familiar with JD Flynn. I'll take your word. :)
DeleteMr. Griffey,
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your musings on life. A cradle Catholic born in 1967, raised by faithful Catholic mom and Moravian dad, I didn't know my faith well til I was preparing for marriage and of my own accord sought out the meaning of the Faith. EWTN was a huge help to me here, and I still count on them for the truth. I greatly appreciate your observations and analysis as well, as a regular guy living in the trenches as opposed to a monastery or ivory tower. I detest politics but have always been conservative on every level. Thank you for helping me parse the weirdness out there among "catholics", who can vary from Pelosi to John Paul II! People like you help me stay the course when many others who look and talk like the Faithful (e.g. the current Pontiff and friends) create confusion and dismay for so many, including me.
I appreciate that. Sorry it took me so long to respond. Somehow this must have gotten lost in the comments shuffle. But I thank you and hope I can be of some help.
DeleteHey, David!
ReplyDeleteKevin O'Brien here! Thank you for being fair to me in this post. I was wrong about Lying for Jesus - at least my inflexibility on that issue was extreme.
However, I am not bashing my friends, people like Dale Ahlquist. These people have shunned me. They would still be my friends, as far as I'm concerned, but Dale told me that he was telling my other Chestertoinian friends not to contact me, once I criticized Jan. 6. They have cut me out of their lives, not I them.
If you want more of the story, see https://open.substack.com/pub/theateroftheword/p/its-really-this-bad
May the insanity be healed and may we be unified in Christ.
I appreciate that. I really appreciate you saying the inflexibility was an issue (in truth, I don't recall anyone saying 'Let's be awesome and Lie!", but it was those times in the greatest of pinches that became the question. Sorry to hear about the issue with Dale Ahlquist. It seems I met him once (perhaps when we met), but I don't know him well. It's a shame the divisions all over the place today, even more in the Church. So many I once interacted with have long thrown me out the window, too. I suppose Jesus wasn't blowing hot air when He took the time to prayer for unity on the night in which He would be betrayed.