Why? Well, when you are coming to the end of your financial ropes, and there are no brighter prospects for you than there were six months ago, when you assumed something would happen to change things and at least make them survivable, suddenly everything seems to take a back seat. Even though there are plenty of things to concern ourselves with beyond our meager material wants, I can't help but admit those wants are becoming needs, and in no way closer to being met. As a result, my mind is on that, and trying to keep the family's spirits up as best we can.
To that end, we have been focusing on the Faith. We've been trying to make merry where we can, and we've been focusing on helping the boys prepare for the upcoming school year. At this point, any moneys we need are coming out of what is left of our last remaining savings account. So prayer is what we are doing, since no other option appears to have worked. Former Protestant clergy doesn't get you far in the world, and wife of former Protestant clergy gets you even less. So while I ponder such a shift in priorities in light of the bigger issues of our day, I am keeping my hopes pinned firmly on the Almighty and His grace and provisions, while doing what we can to keep ourselves engaged in a life that still holds many blessings, to wit:
The boys on a play set, no other words required |
Our Youngest giving his cutest look possible |
Exploration ho! The family going through a breach in the trees - symbolic of a new door opening? |
The three older boys examining their own portions of the wooded trail |
In a sky that looks more Autumn than August, the coming storms cut short our day at the park |
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