I send out a hearty kudos to my son for sharing MVP for yesterday's game. Yes, they were mauled by a larger and wealthier school. Yes, they're only in middle school and it doesn't mean I should expect shaving cream and Ford truck endorsement offers anytime soon. But here's the thing. My boy, God love him, is a 6' 4" linebacker trapped in the body of the second smallest kid on the team. It doesn't help that he's an entire year younger than most of the others, in addition to getting his height from dear old Dad. But despite that - and this is from the defensive coach and the head coach - there are few kids on the team more motivating, who play with more heart and more fearlessness than he does. The bigger kids on the other team may swat him down like so many pesky flies, but he bounces right back and hits them again: tackling, diving into the pile, grabbing the ankles, doing anything he can. Though he also plays wide receiver, it's as cornerback that he shines. Despite being physically small, the other team learned quickly to run the ball on the opposite side of the field after a few plays.
So well done young fellow. Like your older brothers, you make us proud. And you do it with that little spark, that twinkle in your eye that had an entire section of kids behind us rooting you on and cheering over how popular you are. Congrats.
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