It seems as if with hunting for jobs, scrambling to keep up with bills, keeping kids going through their myriad obligations and interests, and just trying to hold the family together, I just don't have the time to blog that I wish I had. Perhaps I do, and these other pressing priorities make ranting on a blog about issues well beyond my control just doesn't seem that important. After all, who am I? Why listen to what I have to say? I have degrees in theology and biblical studies and history, especially with a focus on modern history (as of the 1980s that is), and medieval studies. Beyond that, am I even close to qualified to speak to things? Probably not. At least, not when I have other burdens weighing on me and issues that demand my constant attention and reflection.
So instead of speaking about this or talking about that, bringing up Biden vs. Ryan, or the Chick Fil A free speech assault, or the million other stories that have happened over the last couple weeks, here is a post dedicated to that which is my main concern at this time. When things settle, or if I get a temporary reprieve, I might tackle some of these other important issues in the world. But for now, here they are, my pride and my joy and the reason I'm able to crawl out of bed in the mornings;
Photos from our first camping trip in years; Mom even came along to join the fun |
Our oldest getting up from a hearty camping feast |
On the other end, our youngest hams it up for the camera |
And shortly thereafter, snug and cozy at home, our youngest succumbs to the hustle and bustle of the week |
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