Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lifesite News unpacks the Media lie

Really, how can a sane person even come close to believing that our media is honest?  My biggest fear is that people aren't that stupid at all.  My biggest fear is that they no longer care about truth or facts or data or anything.  They just want their side to win. Period.  That would certainly explain why the media, despite evidence that America is at best split over the HHS mandate, and even possibly leaning against the Obama Administration, continues to peddle the narrative of an overwhelming majority in favor of the mandate. 

Of course, there could be something to the thought that we live in a post-reality age.  An age where nobody really cares about what's true, right, accurate, factual, or any such nonsense.  An age of pundits, not principles. We just want our side to win.  One of the greatest proponents of this 'might makes right...thank goodness' attitude is, of course, Stanley Fish, law professor and writer who enjoys preaching the gospel of 'no rules, just win'.  Of late, he has posted for the New York Times a crack piece of insight that cheers on the obvious double standard of those who praise Bill Maher while condemning Rush Limbaugh. 

Not one to back out of a ludicrous position, Fish doesn't argue that there is some well founded reason that one could give Maher a pass while condemning Limbaugh without incurring the charge of hypocrisy (because for common sense thinking people, there obviously isn't).  Nope.  He wants to cheer on the obvious double standard, insisting that it's time to dispense with all this 'do unto others' nonsense, and finally grip that true Darwinian ideal of 'might makes right'. 

God help us that individuals such as Fish, in the shadow of the last century, wield such influence and input in the societal mindset of our present darkness. 

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