Tuesday, March 6, 2012

God bless them

In a tragic story among so many, an entire family was wiped out by the tornadoes that ripped across the Midwest.  Many have died, of course.  And in each case, a family mourns the loss.  To those individuals left behind, it is no less tragic or devastating to lose their loved ones.  To all of those who have lost so much, may the peace of God, which surpasses all human understanding, cover their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. 

But the story of baby Angel Babcock was so inspiring in the midst of such horror, that to see she passed away is double the pain.  Lord Jesus, cover the hearts and minds of her family, those who have lost so much.  And receive into your arms little Angel Babcock, and unite her with her own family who were taken too soon. 


  1. Hi Dave. Yes, the tornadoes are again harvesting souls in the mid-west this year. It seems to be a recurring theme. For some reason I'm always reminded of the three pigs with their homes of straw, wood and stone. Just as building on sand was long understood to be foolish, we are repeatedly cautioned by nature to construct robust buildings. Will Americans in tornado ally ever decide to construct at least some of their public buildings to withstand these storms? Would it kill them to make schools, hospitals and a few local shelters strong enough to save lives? Yes, it is proper to lament the loss of life. But, lets pray for wisdom also.

  2. I understand, but in the end, the powers that be need to step in, and that would require turning the clock back about a million years. Fact is, it would be painfully expensive, with things as they are, to build a tornado proof dwelling. Some could afford it, others couldn't. There's ultimately no way to prevent everything that could happen in any event, which is why wisdom, and charity are great things, but sometimes it comes down to prayers and a helping hand.


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