Sunday, December 30, 2012

Did I say Hollywood lacks creativity?

Yes, I've said it a million and three-quarters times.  You want proof you say?  Well, take a look at the stunning variety of movie posters advertising major Hollywood films that are clearly unique and inspired:

Sometimes I can't imagine what's keeping good old story time around the campfire from making a comeback.  Unless it might be global warming activists warning us that too many campfires could up our carbon footprints. 


  1. Well to be fair, 2 of those posters, (inception & dk rises) were movies done by the same guy so that's sort of explained (artists always have a bit of style to them).

    Also, I'm a Nolan fan. =D

    (plus that's not entirely fair, inception really was actually creative and fairly original - completely original by the curve you've posted there)

  2. I like Nolan, too. But I admit I was a bit disappointing in Dark Knight Rises. My favorite was The Prestige. With that said, I still have to say movies today increasingly look alike, with similar effect, camera shots, angles. I found a funny video making fun of how so many movies today all look the same, but it was a bit raw for my tastes, but the point was well taken. I think it might be the reliance on CGI and blue screen, as opposed to the old go out and find the location.

  3. Well that's one thing I like about Nolan, he really does try to do old fashioned techniques as much as he can. (seriously, he actually constructed a spinning hallway for Inception)

    Yeah DKR was... ok. I wonder how much it was handicapped by real life tragedy.

    Oh, and I think this is the cracked article you were looking for:


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