Thursday, July 6, 2023

I've been reading The Latin Right recently

Here is a link.  The blog is at Patheos, and I say more power to him.  I see some of the usuals who tend to wander about Patheos.  Not many of the old trolls, but quite a few who are obviously to the left of center.  As can be expected, some of their positions and rhetoric match the increase in madness we're seeing in the world around us.

Nonetheless, the blog author - one Dennis Knapp - does a pretty good job writing in a fair manner and being willing to engage maturely with those who disagree.  Not an easy trick at a place like Patheos.  

Just thought you might like to know about his site if you haven't stumbled across it yet, and perhaps step in and give a few pennies worth of thoughts here and there.  I resist the temptation to comment, but if others would like to jump in and join the fray, I doubt he'd mind.  


  1. I ventured over,just to soon as I saw references to fr z's favorite: the nc'fish'wrapper,I decided to scrub my cache, was my hands & take a quick shower with surgical soap...soon off to confession & a good Catholic book from Sophia Institute...after that,I should start to feel a bit grounded & back to feeling Catholic least until f1 starts again...dominus flevit

    1. I'm not following you. Don't know much of Fr. Z, and not sure the reference.

    2. Oh, Patheos has a veritable crowd of Fishwrap fans and fellow-travelers, but in my estimation, Dennis Knapp is not one of them. He may *read* the Reporter, but that doesn't make him a fan. It's hard to offer serious, honest criticism of something you haven't read. After all, the folks at the Cato Institute read John Maynard Keynes.

      Dave Armstrong also posts at Patheos, and it's fair to say he is also no fan of the Fishwrap, though he usually is critiquing Protestants.

  2. Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, wrote a column for The Wanderer called What Does the Prayer Really Say - he is fluent in several languages, including, of course, Latin. He loves the Latin Mass and all things true and beautiful. Promotes confession and the beautiful traditions of our church. He, too, is a convert, had to lay low in order to be ordained a priest back in the day. He refers to the National Catholic Reporter newspaper as either the National Catholic Distorter, or more often as the Fishwrap, as that is what it is good for. The previous commentor was referring to the fact that seeing articles at Patheos from this paper is akin to feeling dirty. Fr. Z has renamed his blog, but you can still get to it by putting in “”. I do not believe that his blog is as good as it used to be several years ago, not that anything is “wrong” about it, it’s just that it seems Father, I believe, is getting a little worn down by all the drama in the Church. He’s now taken up chess and posts about that, and as a lover of Rome, he has a daily Rome post. But if you go back in history, there’s a lot of good stuff.

    1. That makes more sense. Again, don't know much about Fr. Z. But what the comment said and what I had seen on TLR didn't seem to mesh. That's what had me confused.

  3. And there still is good stuff today, I should add. Just not as much.


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