No other observation describes Mark Shea better |
So it's a new year. The blogging will henceforth be light. I've explained why elsewhere. Not that I won't blog. When something really wonderful, or patently horrible, occurs - like the clear and obvious racism in America today fully endorsed by our progressive state and not a few St. Saruman Christians - I'll make mention. Otherwise, I have other things to do.
One of those things is to go back to the page called
Sheavings, and read over some old articles that were crucial to our becoming Catholic. I know. I'm not Catholic. No, I'm not. Someday I might go into detail about how that happened, and how Mark Shea became one of two people who symbolize why we left the Catholic Church.
Yes, it's true. As much as Mark ushered us in, he was also a reason we left. Not for why you're thinking. I admit that I was probably treated worse by Mark and his readers than by anyone else ever in my life. Given the deplorable level of sin, idiocy, and infantile raging that characterizes his social media sites, I'm sure I'm not the only one to make the claim.
That's why I am no longer going to his social media sites, anymore than I would some white supremacist, or ISIS, or other hate group's sites. For what is Mark other than some half-baked cult figure of hate and sin, spewing lies and slander in service of heresy, blasphemy, and defending, advocating or downplaying intrinsic evils and mortal sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance? How is he different than any such cult member? The only difference is that his followers are not cultists themselves, but see in Mark a useful fool and liar who does their dirty work in service to their lust for a Leftist tyranny of oppression, bigotry and the persecution of Christ's people.
But that's not why I left. I could simply have stopped going there. I wouldn't leave a faith tradition over something that stupid. But he does symbolize something that explains why we - except my oldest son - are now Orthodox.
Now, the reasons for Mark's fall into the dark side are beyond my scope. Whether some bi-polar passive aggression, or an emotional or physiological imbalance is anyone's guess. Whether he lacks conviction and must believe he is always perfectly in line with God and everyone in his group is perfect, or whether like Saruman, he can see where the winds are blowing and lacks the courage to stand up to them, I can't say. All I know is what happened.
One of Mark's sources, linked from Reddit; a standard lame Leftist image
illustrating the Left's own bigotries and intolerance and how far Mark has fallen |
As I had said a few weeks ago, when he lifted his ban on everyone (not sure why, perhaps because it was becoming too loud of a joke that the fastest growing denomination in America is 'banned by Mark Shea'), I committed my Advent penance to visiting his blog every day and commenting at least on one post a day. I had planned on leaving graciously and posting a final farewell letter to Mark on the 31st. That came to an end when Mark published a slanderous post defending George Soros by preemptively accusing Soros's detractors of racism and anti-Semitism. I merely copied and pasted an old post of Mark's blasting Soros for supporting the murder of babies. Unable to delete the post before others saw and commented, Mark banned me outright for posting one of his own posts.
Imagine saying, "You insist Jews must be exterminated, and I'll never change your mind. But let's you and me get together and go after that rotten FDR." That's about what Mark has told his own readers when it comes to his aligning with them, no matter what they advocate, in order to destroy non-conformers to the modern Left. Again, heresy, blasphemy, mortal sin, and in a way more aligned to a cult leader than an apologist. That's why I won't go back. I've informed those who send me emails or links or screenshots of the sin and madness of Mark that I'll certainly respond to them, but I'll no longer post on him or follow any links there. His sites are altogether unclean.
But there is Sheavings. One thing I noticed was that every now and then, Mark would post some pleasant article talking about the Faith, the Bible, and not even bring up the eternal evils of conservatives and conservatism. Then I realized something. Those were often old, recycled articles from years gone by. It was those that I read with my wife all those years ago as we secretly looked at becoming Catholic.
True, Mark was never a pro theologian or scholar, but that's OK. He had an easy way, a wink and a nod, and a good way of explaining misconceptions about Catholicism that any and all Protestant readers would understand. Back then, most of his attention was aimed at Protestants who missed the facts about Catholicism, while also informing Catholics about what Protestants can bring to a table. That and defending Christian morals and heritage against obvious enemies.
I've decided to go back there and read. At least things written before around 2008. It was sometime between then and 2010 that the demons began swarming. I don't know if the bat crazy monkey zoo of his spilled onto his articles in later years. But why chance it? Instead, I'll go back and read what was edifying and pray for his soul in the meantime.
It's not all there, alas. Just as it looks like he pulled his post about Soros (I could be wrong, but I've not found it since I pasted it), he's pulled some of his old articles. For instance, he had a rousing post-9/11 defense of America against the obvious threats of an aggressive, and growing Islamic movement titled
Why We Must Fight:
The title is obviously a little nod to Frank Capra's series of films produced during WWII titled
Why We Fight. In it, he laid out a very strong case for why action - including military - was needed to stop this clear threat, if not for us, then for our posterity. I've not been able to find it anywhere. The link goes to a generic page. Also he had another one (can't remember the title) in which he made clear the distinction between a Christian analysis of the sins of America's past, and an ungodly and sinful use of past sins for dark and evil purposes more in line with Orwellian styled Stalinism. Again, can't find it anywhere.
Nonetheless, deleted articles aside, that's the plan. I do pray for Mark, he needs it. Like anyone awash in sin, you pray for him. He's beyond reason at this point (see Sowell's tweet above), but with God all things are possible. In doing this, I'll remember some of his better points, and some of those things which did tweak our thinking and make it easier to come into the Church, even if it ended by setting up our departure. I'll also remember that there was a time before Mark became the thing he is today: a useful tool not only of Leftists who hate and desire an end to the Faith, but also I fear of the principalities and powers, the rulers of this present darkness, and the spirits of wickedness in the high places that he thinks he is so passionately fighting against.