
Monday, June 25, 2018

The insanity of the modern Left

The modern Left in one easy image
Like Oliver Crangle, it sees racism behind every tree; sexism under every rock; Islamophobia on every street corner; homophobia tunneling under every house.  No stereotypical fundamentalist caricature from the 1970s looked more ridiculous and idiotic than the modern Left.

The only difference is that we had the entertainment industry, arts and literature, education, journalism and intellects to shoot holes in such stupidity and call it out for the puritanical witch hunt mentality that it was.  Today?  Those same institutions are in complete lockstep with such thought police. As a result, no extreme take on McCarthyism could ever outdo the abject madness and fanatical lynch mob mentality that drives the modern Left.

So apparently the phrase 'cotton picking' as in, 'you're out of your cotton picking mind' is racist.  I had no idea.  Though it doesn't surprise me.  I've heard it said that the word radical is racist, rebel is racist, thug is racist, and saying a woman should smile is sexist.  I've heard suggesting sex is procreative or that men are actually male and females exist are somehow homophobic or cisphobia.  I do believe we're at the point that there are now 9,312,837,283 words and phrases that could possibly offend any one of over 7 billion human beings in at least 23,843 ways, and are therefore punishable for being used.  The sign of an enlightened and tolerant world by anyone's stretch.

How does one deal with a society willing to embrace such stupidity?  Note, the link isn't some blog, some wacked out loon on the fringes of the Internet.  This is a valid Leftist publication.  That would be like National Review running a series on the Moon Landing conspiracy.

But that's what's happened.  What was ever only the far extreme of the radical, fundamentalist right back in the day is now mainstream on the Left.  What was once the level of lunacy confined only to the fringe of conservatism is endorsed and advocated by the Left's primary outlets in the media, entertainment and even educational fields.

If you ever wondered how the best and brightest in societies of yore were able to fall behind the most wretched, evil and stupid ideologies known to man, you need only look at the latest news pages.  Who knows?  In doing so, you might begin to see why we spend so much time focused on the sins of our ancestors.  It keeps our eyes off of looking at the sins and idiocy of our present era.

Oh, and one more thing.  This tactic of the Left, to divide us by encouraging us to see the worst and hear the worst in others, is likely why we have the suicide, depression and violence (including, but not limited to, mass shootings) we're seeing.  After all, if you're trained to hear in everything said 'I hate you and want you dead, your entire worth is in this one issue, it alone defines you, and that means you are nonhuman and you and everyone like you should die', you have to admit, that's bound to have an impact.

First, the idea that my worth is this issue, and failure to worship me about this issue means I'm nothing and should die, has to be linked, at least in part, to the suicide and depression rates we've seen skyrocket.  Second, it stands to reason that 'this person said this, which is secret code for 'I love Hitler and you should be exterminated'', is bound to have side effects in a society. 

But I digress.  Our whole 'those who don't worship you want you dead because you deserve it' mantra is for another post.  This just came to me because, in all honesty, I know all of this is not idiocy. I mean it is idiocy.  But it's being promoted on purpose in order to foster hatred, violence and death for a greater purpose.  And doing so quite nicely I'll admit.

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