
Monday, June 25, 2018

Catholic apologist joins in mocking Trump staffers for not being able to get laid

Yep, you read that right:

I'll say no more, except to point out that if a Christian minister joins forces with someone mocking another for not engaging in sexual immorality, it might be time to consider the Church's reputation and witness to the world.

Catholics, save yourselves from those who corrupt it for whatever reasons.  Those reasons will never be worth it.


  1. Eva Braun could not be reached for comment apparently.

    1. You just think there's a bottom he's going to hit, and then he goes the next level down.

    2. It's a long drain he's circling, apparently.

  2. Shea also had a recent post- reproduced by american catholic, which seems to be have been hacked(you get a message saying you have accessed an illicit site and it freezes your computer)- in which he admits he is not a good catholic and had previously been under a kind of pretense that he was orthodox in order to fit in, be accepted by orthodox quarters and be part of the "conservative" catholic establishment- which would have been in ascedency at that time- and he got tired of putting up the effort. At the same time, he asserts he is "now more catholic than ever."

    1. I think they've got it under control now. This post the one you're talking about?

      Though if the job of catholics is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, then should some of us go bug Shea to afflict his new comfort? ;)

    2. When someone declares himself more Christian than ever, it makes it nigh on impossible to discuss anything with him.

  3. Mark Shea, Scott Alt and the rest of the Democrat apologists need to stop calling themselves Catholic. They aren't. You won't find one person disagreeing with anything they ever post on their social media pages, In fact someone else brought it up a few posts ago that the majority of people posting on those pages are secular Atheists.

    1. Oh yeah. Atheists, advocates of abortion, gay rights, pornography, feminism, racism (against whites), euthanasia, assisted suicide; people who hate Catholicism, Christianity, popes, Christians - they're all given free rein on Mark's blog. As long as they hate Mark's political opponents, they're free to promote whatever with little to no push-back. The problem isn't even Mark. It's that Catholics, Catholic religious leaders, lay leaders, publications and ministries give him a thumbs up.


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