
Monday, June 25, 2018

Dave Armstrong looks at the Immigration problem through a Catholic Christian lens

Not the lens of the political Left.  The Left's lens says that 1) we don't give a damn about our country's identity, 2) we sure don't care if poor Americans are suffering, and 3) laws are only valid when convenient, often based on ethnicity, national origin and religion.

Dave actually helps us remember that breaking laws is not an option.  In the most dire of circumstances, where immediate survival is in question, perhaps stealing bread or a vial of medicine unlawfully hoarded would be considered.  But wantonly and proudly defying the law, and then living a life based on lying and further breaking laws is not - repeat not - the teachings of the Church, or most historical Christian traditions.

We won't even get into the notion that we should only care about immigrants when convenient.  That's not just a violation of Christian ethics, it's a violation of the most basic ethics of common decency and goodness:

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