
Monday, June 25, 2018

FOX News anchors are one up on the MSM

So according to Ralph Peters, a former FOX analyst, the FOX anchors know they are propaganda for Trump, and know they tell lies for Trump.  Good for them.  That puts them one up on the rest of the MSM anchors who apparently aren't quite so self-aware.

Of course this sort of 'reporting' is just gossip.  What are the FOX anchors to do? Deny it?  It's likely true.  They, like the rest of the MSM, have to be smart enough to know that their network filters news stories and spins the news and ignores the news based on a given set of agendas which likely include, but are hardly exclusive to, political and ideological platforms.

But the old 'I have it on authority because I talked to them  behind closed doors and they said so' never flew with me.  I remember some journalist said the same of Rush Limbaugh a few years ago.  According to him, he and Limbaugh were at dinner together. While there, Limbaugh unloaded over how it was all a fake, he didn't believe any of it, and he laughed at the morons and dolts who made him rich because of it.

Of course that's foolproof.  Limbaugh could deny it, but anyone who wants to believe it will, and they'll just say Limbaugh is covering his arse and continuing the act.  It's air tight gossip that leaves no way to overcome it.  In short, it's not really reporting.  It's just 'Come here, I just heard the juiciest...!'  Which, of course, is in many ways what the thing formerly known as American journalism has been reduced to.

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