
Saturday, June 23, 2018

Trump focuses on non-people

Non-people are those people who are useless or counterproductive for the Leftist narrative.  They are the women who think women should focus on their maternal roles in raising children.  They are black conservatives, Hispanics against illegal immigration, former gays who left their lifestyle behind them, liberals against abortion, Muslims who call out Islam, and those people whose suffering and death does't advance the Leftist narrative.  They are cops killed by blacks, whites killed by minorities, victims of Islamic terrorists, and Americans killed by illegal immigrants.

So Trump bothered to focus on the other half of the immigration problem.   That's the half that, when brought up, everyone insists is important but never seem to get around to discussing.  Even Christian leaders and the Catholic Bishops give little attention to those Americans hurt and killed by the immigration problem.  This plays off the postmodern notion that as long as [Other] Americans do the suffering and dying, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make (since  we no longer have a notion of 'Our country' or any such rubbish).

How will the Left and the New Prolife Christians react to families suffering because of illegal immigration?  Some have already accused Trump of trying to make people afraid of immigrants.  This is opposed to the Left that makes the world scared of Americans. I used to say ISIS didn't need propaganda.  It could just turn on the US news or listen to a Democrat.  No Nazi or Communist propaganda poster was ever more brutal than they are.

Most news shows this morning mentioned it briefly, but then moved on. No stories about the families, no spotlights on this or that victim.  Media Tactic #4: Mention an inconvenient truth briefly, then move on.

The New Prolifers?  My guess is they will just ignore it, or they will do something like attack Trump for exploiting people or changing the discussion or something.  This will use that modern Leftist tactic that assumes the Left is obviously 100% right, so any deviation from its narratives is obviously wrong, evil, stupid or some such.  When inconvenient human suffering is raised?  Attack, ignore, deflect, but for heaven's sake don't focus unless it helps the Left.

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