
Friday, May 25, 2018

Memorial Day

In it all, we try to remember what memorial day is for.  Being from a family of veterans, with every major conflict of the 20th century well represented, we keep in mind the meaning behind this weekend.  For all the fun and frivolity we're hoping for, we will always take a bit of time to visit those who gave that last full measure of devotion.  After all, it is their sacrifice that allows us to spend time with silly pursuits, family pursuits and even serious pursuits.

As I said, this will promise to be fun since the three older boys managed (somehow) to get the weekend off - including Memorial Day proper.  So I will probably not be back until next week.  Tuesday at earliest.  At that point we plunge forward, grading papers, submitting paperwork, and getting ready for our third graduation.  Since it's homeschool, it's a family affair.  But it is also through a private school for an actual accredited diploma, so we have to abide by their requirements as well.

So between now and the next couple weeks, it will be hit and a miss.  But this weekend it will be a miss as we seek to pay our respects, reflect, and answer compelling questions, such as will I finally get to watch the classic movie Sergeant York?  What other traditional movies will we be able to fit in?  What will Napoleon do on the Rhine?  Is US mechanized infantry enough against a German panzer company?  Will the weather hold out for some hiking and grilling?  Will we finally be able to make our spareribs as tender as they are in restaurants?  Will my new organizational system in the kitchen survive its first big test?

All of these and more should be answered by next week.  In the meantime, praise God for the county we've been born into - the greatest political experiment in history.  Spend time with those who matter.  Enjoy the festivities, fun and frolicking.  And above all, take time to remember not only those who died to make it all possible, but the God who made it possible for us to do so. 

See you next week.  In the meantime, God bless and TTFN.


  1. "take time to remember not only those who died to make it all possible, but the God who made it possible for us to do so." - Good reminders, David.

    God bless you and your family.

  2. Thanks Tim, back to you! Have a blessed weekend.


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