
Friday, May 25, 2018

Cultural Appropriation hysteria is the stupidest development in over a decade of stupid developments

So a woman who must be known to someone adopted a cultural tattoo of the culture from which her husband is descended.  That would be like, you know, trying to become one with her husband's life and people.  Sounds sweet to me, especially since tattoos don't do much for me.  I would consider it quite the sacrifice.  A nice gesture.  A wonderful display of love and acceptance of one's spouse.

But not so in the age of madness brought to us by the modern Left!  Those who would hate Jordan Peterson because he insists women and men are different, would raise a lynch mob against a woman with one skin color for trying something that doesn't belong to her own racial skin color heritage.

Sometimes I pity comedians.  How can they be funny today?  If Mel Brooks was making movies, how would he make his points?  No crooning rail gang or Jewish Indian chiefs could outdo what passes for rational debate and reasoned objections nowadays.  In fact, if what you see in the news on most days would have been put in a Brooks movie all those years ago, most would have considered it too stupid, even for a Brooks movie.

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