
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The National Anthem protest is not about race

It's about fairness and consistency.  What set the whole thing off a year ago was anger that someone who did something that bothers many Americans was being praised, when only a few years earlier, Tim Tebow was chased off the stage for bringing 'politics' into the pure and hallowed hall of sports.

That's what upset people.  Of course, as soon as there were complaints, the Race Card (TM) was played, along with charges that those complaining were opposing the right to protest.  Now, as can be expected, the Left is digging in and making it about nothing but racist, whites who have always hated blacks, and it's becoming a faux history of racism everywhere and in everything.

The same could be said that when whites protests or complain, even about valid problems, that the left dismisses and downplays and mocks their concerns simply because they are white.  But that's not what this is about.  It's not about race.

It's about the fact that the Left likes playing with a stacked deck.  Perhaps because it knows its arguments are weak, and its track record one of failure.  Maybe it understands that much of its support is based on the worst interpretations of history and erroneous understandings of the present.  But it doesn't play fair.  It's willing to do the very things it accuses its opponents of doing.

Nobody said you can't protest the Anthem. They don't like it, but it's your right.  Just don't do it in the hallowed halls of sports where everyone - including the media - should be kept free of politics.  That Bob Costas later went on a rant about gun violence, and that the press praised Kaepernick for taking this bold stand, just set people off.  The fact that the complaints were, as could be predicted, met with charges of racism only made them dig in their heals.  And when President Obama made it about the right to free speech, when nobody was saying otherwise, that only stirred the embers. 

No, the problem with this boils down to the fact that the Left is utterly incapable of playing by the rules.  It can't exist without calumny and hysterics and false arguments.  It needs that stacked deck.  And this time people called them on it.


  1. Do you have any evidence to support any of these tenditious conclusions?

    1. Evidence of which ones? That people want a fair debate and consistency in standards? That Obama talked of the issue as one of freedom of speech? That the issue has been made about racism? Which do you want evidence for?

    2. "tendentious"? Or do you mean "seditious"?

      Or is that a new word: "tenditious"?

    3. "tendentious"? Or do you mean "seditious"?

      Or is that a new word: "tenditious"?

  2. I hope I'm not seditious. Tedious perhaps, but not seditious.

  3. Or reduced to its simplest; a group of overpaid athletes, afraid of becoming irrelevant (which in the larger scheme of life they are) deciding to call attention to themselves over an historical grievance they or we can do little about. A march through south side Chicago on a Saturday night would have been rather more effective but somewhat more inconvenient to these spoiled brats.

    1. The march through Chicago would certainly make an impression. As for their actual motives, it's hard to say. Most noted that Kaepernick had never indicated such views before, but after his poor performance the season before, began the protests.

  4. We want our trained field-monkeys to dance when the music is playing and to sit when the owner says for them to sit. Otherwise, these highly expensive animals will ruin the show and must be replaced with other, more obedient monkeys that will listen to the master.


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