
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Has anyone noticed the the arguments supporting the National Anthem protests are generally lame?

I mean it.   From someone pointing out that people are hypocrites when they wear flag designed clothing (something that came from the counter culture and was later assimilated), to basic insults against Trump and his supporters, to typical charges of racism and hysterics about taking away the right to protest, to memes based on tremendous amounts of ignorance and lack of awareness (willful or otherwise) about the subject at hand.  And notice, that last one is mostly aimed at those who are upset, not the issue at hand.  I've also noticed that tendency to 'insult the ones upset, rather than discuss the topic.'

That last one especially got me to thinking.  Liberalism thrives where common sense, nuance and common values exists.  Is there a law that says everyone must stand in the bathroom if they hear the anthem played?  That person in a restaurant who hears the anthem on a game overhead must push back the seat and stand?  That a person watching the game at home must stand at the couch?  No.  Is it therefore hypocritical that people stand when together at an event like a football game?  Of course not.  At least for the person with common sense.

When you're at events - like sporting events - you stand during the anthem to show solidarity.  To show that this is a place where are differences are set aside and we're all Americans.  There is no rule.  To show we're all one, and we are Americans bound by unity, even when we don't always agree.  There is no law.  No written standard.  It's called a custom.  A tradition.  And it's in such vague areas where the Left thrives.  Prove them wrong.  Go ahead.  I dare you.

Not that anyone with more than two brain cells is taken in by such a ludicrous argument.  But it's raw, bloody meat for the base.  It whips them up with a 'yeah, the scum, morons, hypocrites.'  Of course they're not.  And the biggest issue of all - why is it suddenly OK to drag politics into sports when we were told definitively during the Tebow era that politics and social commentary have no place in sports - is not addressed at all.

No, if the responses from both sides of the debate are anything, the ones against the protests have scored on consistency, reality and common sense.  Those trying to fight it have had to resort to un-arguments based on willful ignorance and stupidity about the subject at hand.  Especially when they, like Mark, so proudly declare their total ignorance of sports and sports culture.  A bit like me commenting on the literary qualities of fantasy authors Jack Vance vs. Fritz Leiber.  I know my limits and where my knowledge ends.  This issue has demonstrated that there are quite a few critics of the critics who apparently don't have that little trait. 

Speaking of common sense, Mike Rowe, fast becoming one of the prophets of horse sense in our modern era devoid of the same, speaks sense to the madness.  We sometimes forget who this country is for, and who has the power.  Perhaps the ultimate purpose of all the divisions we see is to get us to forget that little fact.


  1. "Speaking of common sense, Mike Rowe, fast becoming one of the prophets of horse sense.."
    How did Mike get so wise, it was his doing humble work with humble people. Of course.

    1. That's true. Like I tell my boys, there is nothing at all wrong with a honest day's work.


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