
Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Alejandro Villanueva recants

A shame.  He insists he only asked to be at the front of a line of athletes who were about 20 yards behind him.  Then the anthem began playing and he stayed put.  The Steelers, feeling that coming out and standing for the anthem would be divisive (see how that works, now standing for the anthem is the divisive thing), were really not protesting at all.  And Mr. Villanueva states he's sorry that his actions have caused such backlash against his team.

First, his actions did no such thing.  By the Steelers staying in the tunnel, they caused the backlash.  And every jack media outlet reported it as being part of the protests Sunday.  That's what people were pissed about.  If it wasn't a protest then the Steelers should have schooled the press.  Those who were upset were upset at the protest, and they simply celebrated Mr. Villanueva.

But he clearly has been 'schooled.'  It makes no sense that he wasn't going out and making it clear he would stand for the anthem.  His team was a mile behind him.  And he knew it.  But again, the long arm of the Left has grown longer, and if you want to be in the upper echelons of our society, you'll toe the line.

I don't begrudge him.  He still made a great statement, while his team at best stood cowering in the tunnel, giving testimony to the slick and subtle machinations of the Left, that to come out and stand for the National Anthem would now be seen as a divisive act.  That one should be 'embarrassed' that he stood alone for the Anthem even demonstrates more the power of reeducation going on in our nation.  My seventeen year old, who just finished reading 1984, quipped upon hearing the news story, "I just read about that!"

Nonetheless, Mr. Villanueva served his time, he earned his spurs, and I understand how hard it is to kick against the liberal goads.

In other news, the Dallas Cowboys also learned the truth, and followed accordingly.  The liberal goads.  Tough to kick against and get invited to the best parties. Just like your prospects were limited in the 50s if you were a staunch supporter of Communism.

CORRECTION:  Apparently the Cowboys took a knee before the anthem, then stood for the anthem.  Take it for what it's worth. For me, it shows the power of the Left that now one must approach the issue of standing for the National Anthem consciously, as opposed to it being a natural reaction.


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