
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

A love letter to Chairman Mao from the Gray Lady

Yep.  The Left is Communism. I hope we're straight on that now.  The Left, in its modern incarnation, has always been about Communism. From those blacklisted Hollywood advocates, like Dalton Trumbo, who were proud Communists, to the Communist driven anti-Americanism of the 50s and after, to the emerging pro-Marxist, neo-Communists of the post-liberal West, Communism is the goal.  The dream.  The end game.

Compare this, for instance, to racism.  There's no end game to racism. Has anyone ever bothered to ask just when our country will officially be 'over' its racist past?  Just what is it America can do to stop being called a 'racist nation'?  What is the end game?  Racist thinking outlawed?  White Americans exterminated?  All racist thinking punishable by death?  The complete eradication of America's entire history?  What is the end game?  What will it look like when we finally say, "Truly, America is no longer a racist nation"?  When only 8% identify as racist?  2%?  3.82384%?  When we elect a Black president?  Find me an answer, and I'll recant this entire post.

Let's be honest, there is no end game where racism is concerned.  By now it should be obvious the point of stirring up racist divisions is merely a ploy to tear away at the fabric of America; to burn its foundations to the ground so out of the ashes it can be built upon by yet another Communist inspired, leftist state.  That's why it's gold.  That's not to say there never was, or isn't, racism.  But that's not why it's important to keep the racist embers burning.  It will always be there, and until the Communist end game is established, it will always be useful for sowing divisions and spreading discord between Americans.  Discord is crucial for revolutions, as I'm sure we're all aware.

The New York Times does a little preemptive housecleaning in preparation.  One of the problems with Communism is, of course, it's track record.  Oh, it's not that there aren't Leftists, including Catholics, more than happy to crunch the numbers and prove that America is the most evil, murderous country in history. 

Nonetheless, that still leaves us with the fact that, even if we concede the Satanic spawn that is America, Communist societies have done no better.  The body count is in the tens of millions.  An entire century of terror and tyranny, failed economies, nationwide cesspools of poverty and misery, aren't easy to overcome.

Enter the NYT.  Oh, they still acknowledge there were a few rough spots in China's Communist revolution.  But does that mean the good be overlooked?  For assistance:
For all its flaws, the Communist revolution taught Chinese women to dream big. When it came to advice for my mother, my grandmother applauded her daughter’s decision to go to graduate school and urged her to find a husband who would be supportive of her career. She still seems to think that the new market economy — with its meritocracy and freedom of choice — will finally allow women to be masters of their minds and actions.
Note that.  Sure there were some bad points.  Its "flaws."  But let's not overlook the good!  Try doing that with the Nazis (sure they had their 'flaws', but they did build a splendid highway system!).  Or heck, most recently, the Confederates.  Forget it.  They were evil, wretched, irredeemable.  Their existence needs eradicated from all public displays.

But Communist China?  Where people are still rounded up and executed, tortured and imprisoned for bucking the goverment?  Where people still live in squalor and oppression?  Where people still try to escape to other lands (like America)?  Let's not be hasty.  There's some good to be seen there.

I know, it sounds a little crazy Archie Bunker commie pinko conspiracy theory.  But let's face it, knowing that those who want this won't admit it, how else can you refute what I've written?  Step back and look at the big picture.  You might be surprised to see how far we've come.

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