
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Public schools love bullying

Especially when it's against a kid who speaks out against the sacrament of gay sex. Here, the good superintendent at Shawano School District pushes thugs and lesser bullies aside to show how it's really done. Desiring censorship and thought control on behalf of homosexuality, a student who merely wrote an editorial against gay adoption was subject to a grueling hours long interrogation where he was informed of his status as mouthpiece of evil:

"He said the 15-year-old was ordered to the superintendent’s office where he was subjected to hours of meetings and was accused of violating the school’s bullying policy" 
The scene put me in mind of nothing so much as this:

Reading what happened to him made me want to cheer the boy on all the more.  Press on you who do not conform to the dogmas of gay "rights", take a stand for liberty, freedom, and the right to disagree with these dogmas of absolute truth being hoisted on us on a daily basis.

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