
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I've read good things about "The Woman in Black" so far

So maybe I'll go and see it.  I'm pulling for Mr. Radcliffe, if only because he still puts me in mind of our oldest boy.  Which is why, though I think he did a wonderful job in My Boy Jack, my wife can't watch it due to his battlefield death scene.  Still, I do hope he doesn't go the way of the tired and predictable 'defiant Brit actor' and attempt to do anything and everything under the sun to buddy up to the movement growing increasingly warm with 'can't we just ban all non-us religions, if not religion in general?' attitudes.  We'll see.  Right now, it looks like a good turn, and maybe proof that he can do something without being naked with horses, or portraying men who corrupted generations of brainless teens. 

My oldest as Harry Potter

Daniel Radcliffe stealing a ride on my oldest son's bike

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