
Thursday, February 2, 2012

The economy is great, all is well

So says the AP headlines.  Of course companies are cutting left and right, and there are indicators that things are in rough times ahead.  This also ignoring the fact that each month shows more and more Americans falling off the other end of unemployment - having been far too long on unemployment and having exhausted their last benefits.  But hey!  This is the AP, it's primary focus is to get us to ignore the piles of garbage and refuse littering the streets in order to get The One reelected.  So all of us who are struggling to stay on the sinking ship, to all those who are trying to stay alive, afloat, or whatever - shut up.  You're ruining the narrative that salvation is through Obama alone, and therefore his anti-Christian despotic regime must be continued.  Well done, o ministry of propaganda. 

BTW, you have to read to the end of the shining article of happiness and prosperity to find the obligatory qualifier that avoids the flagrant 'we lied!' charge:

"Most economists expected the combination of weaker inventory growth and tepid consumer spending to lead to slower growth in the current January-March quarter. Many are predicting 2 percent annualized growth this quarter."

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