
Saturday, June 25, 2011

A note about the recent posts on gay rights

It might appear that I have been spending an inordinate amount of time on this issue.  Some might think it's because of some latent sexual identity problem I have.  Not really.  First, it's because I don't have time to blog much due to various reasons.  Second, when I sit down it seems as if the latest gay rights story is what everyone is talking about.  Third, the Gay Rights Movement is about the only thing getting what it wants right now. 

Our rather dull and incompetent president, who is no doubt a good family man and decent fellow, continues to fail on almost every front.  I mean it.  The guy is a joke at this point.  If everything was equal and he was a Republican, (and be honest, a white Republican), why there probably would be calls to remove him from office.  As it stands, the liberal propaganda machine in our educational, media, and entertainment industries are bending over backwards to find something - anything - for which they can praise him.  And in 2012, woe be to him who dares criticize him. 

But in fairness, he has done well for gay rights.  He may be accomplishing nothing overseas.  He may be plunging into one non-war war after another.  He may be playing with our military for purely political reasons, promising to reduce our troop numbers to twice what they were when he took office.  He may be assuring us that the economy is better since gas is all the way down to only about a 1.50 over what it was two years ago.  He may be looking desperate as he can't figure out how to fix the debt, the unemployment, and our soon to collapse entitlement system.  But by goodness, he has gone in there and given his all to gay rights supporters, and for that we Americans thank him.

It's been the dual sides of this that has hit me when I've had time to sit and blog.  On one hand, while everything is floundering, while wars, genocides, pandemics, economic collapse, and hopelessness continue to grip America, the West, and the World, the GRM continues to have such disproportionate power to see to it that its desires are addressed if nothing else is given the time of day.  And on the other hand, the very movement born under 'there's no absolute moral truths, nobody has a right to legislate morality, we should all live in peace and agree to disagree' continues to use the crushing iron gauntlet of censorship, oppression, ostracizing, and general eradication of those who refuse to go along with the demand for conformity and group think. 

It's a strange brew.  When all else is falling apart, the only thing making headway is a movement founded on diversity and peopled and supported by among the highest income earners who are increasingly demanding society punish all who fail to conform to its dogmatic demands.  Again, a thousand years from now I can't imagine what people will think when they look at this, the twilight of Western Civilization.  But I have a pretty good idea of why they will think it.

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