
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Gay Rights victory in New York!

There's a shock.  Actually, what continues to shock me is just how many Americans are still dragging their heals when it comes to supporting gay marriage.  What with the entire popular culture machine, the Democratic party, the national news media, and our public and higher education systems firmly behind the movement to ramrod gay rights into American society, I'm amazed at how many are still on the fence.  In addition, given the growing ostracizing and public denouncements of those who do not follow the dogmas of non-heterosexual normality, it's even more amazing.  It's almost as amazing as the ability of a movement backed by endless billions of dollars worth of support by never ending streams of millionaires and billionaires and political power brokers, a movement that has among the highest standards of living and is generally set apart for the usual rights most already enjoy, to continue to insist it is the weak and helpless party in this entire drama.  Even while they force entertainers and other public figures to grovel and beg forgiveness whenever the movement is insulted, they still manage to hold a flail in one hand and a wilted daisy in the other, claiming that its weakness is the only part upon which we should focus.

Of course we see that the good old Republican dominated senate of New York made all of this possible.  Increasingly, the GOP is tiring of the old social and religious conservatives.  And while debates can be made as to whether abandoning the only party left that's even close to traditional world views and values is a good idea, a strong case can be made that just leaving both parties to their fate is the only direction to take for a conscientious voter. 

It's especially heartening to see that one of the prime movers of the gay rights victory is none other than an openly Roman Catholic GOP senator.  Once again in one swipe showing just how abysmal is the moral track record of the Republicans, and the educational and devotional track record of the American Catholic Church.

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