
Saturday, June 25, 2011

When all else fails - the Fab Four!

Not that fab four, I mean my boys.  I guess with our schedule being crazy, me delving into my new career at Aflac, and trying to get my Mom moved around, what little time I have left over goes to the family.  Right now my sister-in-law is in from Florida helping with the moving.  But when time is scarce, I can't see spending too much time on a computer when I have four wonderful boys waiting to be played with.  Here are the latest in a series of action shots.  It was at the Harding Memorial in Marion, after my Fathers Day dinner. 

The gang

The only way you can get a picture of our youngest is if someone holds onto him

Our oldest looking casual

Our twelve year old, as enigmatic looking as ever

An unusually laid back shot of our usually over-the-top soon to be eleven year old

I'm not sure what our ten year old is doing, but it got an uncharacteristic public burst of laughter from the older two

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