Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Sometimes conservatives are their own worst enemies

 I'm not a fan:

I've seen this on several conservative pages over the last week or so.  But I don't like it, for a simple reason.  Because I don't think going up to a lion and punching it in the nose has ever been a good idea.

At the end of the day, conservatives have made it clear they not only have contempt for those who work within the government, and associated institutions like education, but they also proudly boast that the first thing they will do when they have a chance is take a scythe to those jobs and positions and entire industries. So would you believe it? Turns out the majority of people who work in the government, education, and other associated institutions overwhelmingly tack left, support Democrats, espouse leftwing activism and openly hinder where they can anything to do with conservatism.

Going way back to the 90s, when Rush Limbaugh was a big voice for the contempt dumped on our schools and educators, I just shook my head.  If I want to make enemies with a group of people, it's not going to be the ones who get to educate and train the next generations coming our way.  If I do, then I shouldn't be shocked that those generations will be taught to see me and what I hold dear as the enemy.  

Just because I like strategy games doesn't mean I'm fit to lead the 4th Armored Division.  With that said, you still can't help but pick up on a couple basic, common sense strategies. And one is don't make enemies of the ones who can do you the most harm.  

Yet for reasons I can't fathom, conservatives have never tried to assert themselves into these areas, assuring the workers they respect them, espousing the importance of education and respect for those who make our government run.  They never appear eager to go in and point out the excesses they see, while assuring those in the trenches that they are not the enemies and if they simply understand where conservatives are coming from, they'll see why what is happening is happening and may actually begin supporting the cause.  Or let government workers know there are philosophical reasons that a bloated government is no good, but anyone making an honest living and trying to do good by their families is a good guy in our book. Heck no.     

Oh I know, right now President Trump and his team are going about with their winnowing forks and clearing the threshing floor.  But it won't last forever.  And when the inevitable shift occurs, assuming the entire political Left hasn't gone off into the sunset, then it will be a bit like the proverbial spirit having been banished into the outer wilderness for a season, but then returning sevenfold to work even worse harm to the cause than before.  And conservatives will have themselves to thank for making enemies of everyone who works the trenches of the institutions that pave the future of a country and its up and coming generations. 

After all, making enemies of anything government has been a major selling point of conservatives for decades now.  And consider where we have gone as a society.  Think of those photos of the New York skyline displaying three crosses at Easter in the late 1950s, and think of our nation now.  Think of where almost everything in our society has gone that conservatives have been resisting with this basic approach.  I mean, there comes a time when you look at results and just have to question the strategies and tactics involved.  Another thing I've picked up from watching sports or playing strategy games.  If the thing you keep doing causes you to keep losing, even if you have an occasional win here and there, it might be time to try a different approach. 


  1. This is basically just Shea's perspective that the Left is basically good and ignores that they have always been the aggressors in the culture war. I mean all the talk about going into the wilderness and returning sevenfold, why doesn't that apply to the Right, now?

    Shout Nazi at a side for years then cry when the harvest comes due? Sounds to me like the little brother who punches and kicks the older repeatedly until the elder turns around then the youngest begins crying time out. No. Someone's getting put in a headlock until they learn.

    1. I think I'll do up a response post for these answers. Hold on for that. Thanks!

    2. Fair enough. I'm not even saying you're totally wrong. Just that you're right "as far as it goes."

  2. Trump made a big mistake assuming all people in positions of gov't power loved this country. He found out wrong and quickly enough when all those Obama entrenched workers did everything they could to stymie his plans and agenda and using lawfare against him during his whole term.

    We have a very different Trump who learned from his mistake. You have to root out the riff raff who want to continue the status quo. How can you tell who they are? You can't so you do a sweep of who works where in governement and close down or stifle agencies that go against this administrations agenda. I hate to say this but what is going on right now is just like the de-nazification of Germany after the war, rooting out everyone who is left from the prior gov't and converting them away from the ideology of the Nazi's. It wasn't easy but had to be done.

    This last administration was way off it's rocker and now, though we had a gut feeling, we find out that the government was just a slush fund to enrich themselves. This is why there is an investigation into Congressional members, to find out how they became mulitimillionaires on a salary of about 250, 000 dollars. No, we need a clean sweep. That is the only way to de-nazify the Obama-Biden years.

    The gov't was not created to be an employer. I remember years ago people saying work for the gov't. You'll have a job for life. Sorry, if you did that then accept it when the gov't changes hands. This isn't anything new this laying off or mass firings. I and several dozens of my fellow workers were dismissed from work. My company eliminated our dept. and that was that. Yes, good people get hurt but the blame is not on the ones with the mandate from the American people to eliminate all the rot, no the people getting hurt are getting hurt from their own fellow workers and supervisors who took advantage of the taxpayer. The good federal workers lost because of them. Period.

    1. Canned Response here: Since several points have been made in these comments, I'll do up a follow up post clarifying my point. Thanks

  3. When did these people ever come to the defense of me and people like me when we were getting beat up and tossed in the ditch? I think the answer hovers around "never". Therefore they are not my neighbors, and my obligations to them also hovers around zero. And no, the left didn't win the culture wars because those of us on the other side were too mean; they won them because they acted with complete ruthlessness and utter disregard for the rules of fair play. We may have been occasionally vicious; they were consistently so. They can go straight to you-know-where.
    ----- G. Poulin

    1. Canned Response here: Since several points have been made in these comments, I'll do up a follow up post clarifying my point. Thanks

  4. Dave, these people who inhabit the government/media borg have never been anything but my enemies. Try to make nice with them and they will treat you like a mark.


    And furthermore, Mark Shea is deranged.

    1. Canned Response here: Since several points have been made in these comments, I'll do up a follow up post clarifying my point. Thanks

    2. It may seem 'canned' to you Dave, but canned, pickled or barbequed it is my response. I've dealt with these lying weasels since I got my first dose of politics in 1964. Yep, elect Barry Goldwater and he will vaporize little girls picking daisies. And I stopped counting the number of times I've been accused - by the Sheas of the world - of hating immigrants and 'brown' people. Not even sending Shea a photo of me with my beloved Bolivian inlaws got through his bubble. So, enemies? Yep. Up to them to surrender.

    3. Or maybe I'm reading you wrong here. Is the 'canned response' here your response?

    4. Sorry, I meant mine is canned. I realized there was a lot here and couldn't really give enough time to the responses people posted. So I gave the same response to everyone - my 'canned' response. I'll post a response in the not too distant when I can. Sometimes it seems right in my mind but doesn't come off on the internet the same way.

  5. (Tom New Poster)
    Dave, speaking for my own field:
    1. The Department of Education is unconstitutional and should not exist. Carter established it as a sop to the NEA/AFT and academia, where it serves chiefly as federal almoner, and supports all sorts of useless "studies" and (since Obama) racist anti-white, anti-Christian and pro-pervert agitation. There are a few good functions, like enforcing civil rights in the schools (which belong with the DOJ) and tracking stats (which can go to Commerce or Labor). As for the rest: I do not owe my persecutors a living.
    2. Federal support for education is only 12% and can easily be absorbed by a little belt-tightening at the local level (starting with getting rid of the same nuisances named above IMO). No classroom teacher, site principal or ordinary counselor has to worry about Elon's cost cutting, unless local loonies decide the school "equity manager" is more important than the math teacher; and local folks can deal with that.
    3. Student loans (and I had one in the 1980s) should never have become what they have. Let those currently in the system receive what they need to finish, but future applicants need to seek college money on their own. There's plenty of endowment to support the needy hard-working academic star. Fed money for college should reserved for ex-military and (according to treaty) Native Americans.

    1. Canned Response here: Since several points have been made in these comments, I'll do up a follow up post clarifying my point. Thanks

  6. The Department of Education was established by corralling a mess of already existing programs. One or another of the programs may be unconstitutional, but the assemblage of them is not. (The Department employed about 4,000 people last I checked. No doubt many clots).
    (IMO, the Department of Education should be split into about four pieces. Send the National Assessment of Educational Progress and the statistical collection function to the Department of Labor, send the consumer protection function to the Federal Trade Commission, send the student finance programs to a temporary authority to wind down over a period of years, and end the rest of the programs).

  7. I have to say I think you have a potted conception of the issues we face.
    One problem is that we have a recruitment, promotion, and disciplinary system in federal employment which generates both poor performance and exacerbates bias.
    Another is that we have an orgy of federal grantmaking which generates corruption and undue manipulation.
    Another is that we have federal intervention in areas of policy which is of dubious constitutionality and / or dubious utility.
    With some qualification, you can make similar observations about state and local government.

  8. The reason one might be inclined to heap contempt on the educational system is that they're a money pit and they do their jobs poorly. Acknowledging the truth will bother education professors and their enforcers in state agencies, bother school administrators, bother labor meatheads, and bother teachers. We should not lie to please them.

    1. Canned Response here: Since several points have been made in these comments, I'll do up a follow up post clarifying my point. Thanks


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