
Wednesday, January 15, 2025

What I don't trust

People who go off emotionally half cocked over a bad experience and become the biggest cheerleaders against what they once embraced.  I give you:

I knew little of Steve Skojec, except the occasional online references.  And those were often from folks on the Left railing against him for his supposed frothing at the mouth zealotry on behalf of traditional Catholicism.  

Then something happened.  I've never gotten exactly what, though it seems to revolve around the ill treatment of one of his children at the hands of a Catholic Traditionalist leaning priest.  Which isn't hard to believe.  I don't think Traditional Catholics are immune to bad behavior any more than any other group.

But what has happened since has been a complete 180 reversal as Mr. Skojec has become everything anyone who hates Catholic Traditionalism ever hoped for.   For non-Catholics, non-Christians, and those Catholics who have cheered Pope Francis's assault on Traditional Catholicism, Mr. Skojec has become as quoted as Shakespeare.    

It puts me in mind of Rod Dreher, another who I see like a Thomas Paine character.  A man who makes good points, but can't be counted on to keep things in perspective over the long haul or when the going gets tough.  

So for years Dreher raged against the growing assault on religious liberty by the Left.  Fair call.  But when Covid hit, he embraced the mass hysteria, all but calling on any and all jack-booted thugs possible to kick down doors and drag away those reprobates gathering to worship God when our expert class strictly forbad such affronts to our wellbeing.  Yes, he later conceded that there were serious problems with how Covid was handled.  But as far as I know, he never came out and fully apologized and owned up to the part he played in that same oppression and persecution of dissenters. 

Folks like this never quite settle for me.  With Mr. S, how do I know that something else won't set him off with the latest group he now identifies with, only to see him turn on them?  And with Dreher, who knows?   He's too wild in his deviations far too often to rely on him beyond acknowledging when he makes a valid point.  When ISIS managed to down a plane some years ago, Dreher came off as almost giddy because he insisted it proved Trump hadn't 'eradicated ISIS', the multiple deaths being an additional lament tacked on to his triumphant slam against Trump.  A little loss of priority there, IMHO. 

I know.  Some might say 'But Dave, if someone was a Nazi or a porn star or a terrorist cultist, you would celebrate them leaving it and renouncing everything to do with it.'  That is true.  Because I consider those objectively evil things that are born of Hell and any who can escape their grasp are to be celebrated and prayed for and helped.  

I don't, however, put people gathering to worship God or preferring the Latin Mass in that category.  Something in other days, both Dreher and Skojec would have agreed with and fought bitterly against any suggestion otherwise.  But then, something happened and they snapped, and became everything they once condemned in order to attack the very things they once cherished.  And for me, that's just too unstable and fickle for my likes.  They might, and do, make good points sometimes, but I'll look to others to ultimately stand up for the cause of Good when the time is ripe. 


  1. These sudden conversions are quite strange. I had an acquaintance once who overnight went from being a devout Catholic to being a devout Fundamentalist. One day he was reciting all the standard Catholic spiels, and the next day he was reciting all the standard Fundamentalist spiels. Funny thing is, he imagined that he had changed completely. In reality he was the same strident arrogant prick he'd always been; he'd only changed sides.

    1. I can understand people leaving something for something else and then stating why they did so, or why they no longer hold to the old ways. But in this case, unless the Church is a farse and trads the cult like fascists that critics say, he's not just stating facts about his changed views, but embracing the things he once called lies. Dreher being a different ballgame.

  2. I believe we've had a similar discussion several months back about how some of the most faithful people we know just lost their faith. Pillars you could call them...then for some inexplicable reason their now rubble. Perhaps the seeds of faith fell on rocky ground, sprouting quickly but with no depth of root they lose it. I've seen it around me and it saddens me. We've been forewarned about holding out to the end. With all that happens around us in society but especially in the Church I can see why people will lose their faith, especially in the Church, but at the same time they forget the Divine foundation of the Church. I've had days where I wonder, "What's the use? Why stay Catholic?" when I realize that the Church is more than just it's leaders who betray Her and those of us in the pews. With every injustice we suffer as Catholics at the hands of our leaders, though it pains me to experience, it does solidify my faith that the Church is the True Church, otherwise why would Satan even bother with us?

    1. That is true, and has always been true. Reading the Bible, it isn't as if those designated to lead God's people were always hitting home runs. But there is that special sect of people who seem to have more issues than merely 'falling short of the mark' or 'now I see things differently.' In these case, becoming everything they once condemned as false and lies. Unless what he says is true, that is the problem.

  3. I pray for both of them. I believe that Rod Dreher just couldn't bear being Catholic because of childhood trauma that resurfaced during the whole Boston Globe Church Sex Scandal, so he jumped to Orthodoxy, not out of conviction, but out of fear emanating from childhood trauma. I also don't believe he had much of a spiritual life, i.e., praying, meditations, service to the poor/hungry/etc. So when the scandal hit, he was unable to cope. Making every excuse in the book to justify his new Orthodox faith.

    I could be completely wrong, and I will admit it, but that's my theory.

    As for Steve Skojec, just as above, i.e., I could be completely wrong, but he probably had a very small or non-existent spiritual life. He is all intellect and no service and/or spirituality. He didn't have a prayer life, he didn't meditate on Church teachings, etc.

    Both Skojec and Dreher are intellectuals, but lacked anything resembling. They didn't visit prisoners, feed the hungry, help the homeless, etc. Spiritual works of mercy.

    I have absolutely no evidence that they had no spiritual life, it's just an observation I have seen among many trads. Many Trads have no spiritual life outside of Sunday TLM.

    They love the TLM, are orthodox and traditional in viewpoints, but they don't attend daily Mass, I don't see them in Adoration, or processions, or vespers. The only thing spiritual is the Mass, that's their (almost) whole identity as a Catholic.

    I do as much as time allows to nurture my spiritual life, so I am a busy body in that sense. Attending all of my spiritual activities, I don't see any of my trad friends at the activities that I pursue, I my wife and I are very active.

    I do read now that Rod Dreher does a lot of spiritual activities now as an Orthodox, but where was this when he was a Catholic? Same for Steve Skojec.

    Again, I may be completely wrong and I will apologize, but it is a pattern I have seen these past 15 years since I embraced my Catholic faith.

    1. Tito, I have thought the same thing about others on the blogosphere. They seemed to spend WAY more time talking about their faith than living it. I always saw that as a danger for myself if I ever seriously took up an online presence.

    2. “ I have absolutely no evidence that they had no spiritual life, it's just an observation I have seen among many trads. Many Trads have no spiritual life outside of Sunday TLM.”

      This is a ludicrous generalization completely at odds with my own observations of trad world. Statistically, trads are FAR more likely to attend daily mass, pray the rosary etc. I mean, they are far more likely to attend mass at all, as any survey in the last 20 years confirms.

      Dreher and Skojec had and gave issues to be sure. The sources are to be found elsewhere.

      (wrt dreher, I wonder how much his divorce plays into his jump to orthodoxy?)

    3. It's not all Trads, just that I see more Novus Ordo than Trads at my spiritual events. Probably the only venue that I have seen the opposite have been the Opus Dei Men's Evening of Recollection.

    4. Both Skojec and Dreher are intellectuals, but lacked anything resembling. They didn't visit prisoners, feed the hungry, help the homeless, etc. Spiritual works of mercy.
      Are you saying neither did this or neither wrote about it? It seems rather imprudent to assume you had a comprehensive log of their daily activities. Did either authoritatively declare they did not do these things?
      NB about Mr. Skojec. (1) I believe he has at least six children; (2) there have been times in the last 20-odd years when he was brokety-brokety-broke-broke-broke. He and his wife have had less discretionary time than most.

    5. I don't know common practices within the traditionalist sphere. If this was something confined to those who tack traditional that might be a line worth following. But I think we know others who have likewise gone off the rails and demonstrated this personality quirk of turning against a former camp with all the things he once called lies and slanders, and who definitely was never associated with traditional Catholicism. Some of it seems more common to those who tack left to be honest, having been more conservative and traditional in their moorings who then tell the world all of its accusations against those conservatives are right on the money. But beyond that, it seems a personality thing as much as anything.

  4. Steve and his family had stopped going to Mass during Covid because his very ill FIL was living with them at the time, and was annoyed that the pastor didn't just greenlight his son's way to receive First Holy Communion without a couple conditions. It probably could have been dealt with better on the pastor's side, but I think Steve was expecting some special treatment/accommodations because of who he was.
    Anyway, I think some of these guys just navel-graze themselves out of faith, and focusing almost solely on the negative is toxic to one's mindset. There's a reason we are exhorted in the Bible to think about "whatever is true, whatever is good, whatever is lovely..." (Phil 4:8 paraphrase) And Steve returned incessantly to certain teen/young adult experiences of his with members of the Church that he deemed traumatic. At a certain point I was so thoroughly annoyed by it I just stopped reading anything of his. We are pretty close in age, and I could share experiences too. The fact that any of us growing up Catholic in the 80's retain our faith is a testament to the divinity of it, IMO. Also, I'm not big of idealism. I think one should have ideals, but idealism is SO prone to be disappointed that idealistic people then tend to throw the baby out with the bathwater, and I think that's stupid. Rod and Steve are both idealists, I think. It might be a temperamental thing, but even temperaments must be subordinated to God's way of seeing things.

    1. I forgot to finish my thought...*I could share experiences too.... but some of us have processed them and moved on, and I'm not a fan of dwelling or ruminating on the bad. I have a family that needs me to be present and not stuck in the past.

    2. “ Anyway, I think some of these guys just navel-graze themselves out of faith, and focusing almost solely on the negative is toxic to one's mindset.”

      This seems quite likely, indeed skojec admitted as much in one of posts soon after his crisis of faith began, ie that writing about the corrupt church was consuming him and making him unhappy, as I recall.

    3. Yep. It has happened with more than just Steve. It is a personality type. Not everyone who changes teams does this. Oh, they no longer agree with the old team and may become staunch opponents of it. But in Steve's case, unless the Church is a giant ball of fraudulent BS lies, he's embracing many of the things he once attacked. Shea has done the same thing. And that is a trait I've noticed. They don't just change their sides, but they embrace the things that are objectively wrong, that they pointed out were wrong, in order to do so. Not just in their views. But their actions and behaviors just the same. And since it has been more than just Steve and the Traditional Mass, we can probably assume it doesn't have to do with anything particular about the Traditional Mass.

  5. I suspect Mr. Skojec is reacting to the utterances of the Holy See over the last 11 years and asking what that means in regard to the teaching authority of bishops. As far as I can tell, he's always been an intense and exacting character. I'm one of his well-wishers. I don't read him regularly because his writing has always been rather raw; that shouldn't deter me, but it does. (His diaries about the daily grind of attempting to resurrect his inlaws' trailer park business being one example).
    Mr. Dreher's talent is producing copy daily and sparking vigorous discussions. His problem has always been that he's other-directed and emotional and makes a clown out of himself due to that. He also has a truncated sense of honor which generates its own unhappy manifestations.
    I am sorry to hear of his marital problems and his estrangement from several family members. I'd have to say I'm skeptical of his attributions of blame in that whole situation.

    1. Mr. Dreher's marital problems. I'm not aware Mr. Skojec is suffering any.

    2. In Mr. Skojec's case, it's not just saying he now disagrees. Unless the Catholic Church is a farse and all of the Church's critics spot on, he's embracing the very things he once condemned outright. And a willingness to do what he once said was false and wrong is a flag for me. I said the same about Dave Armstrong some time back. It isn't that Armstrong was banning critics of Pope Francis. It was that Armstrong was increasingly acting toward them in the same way he once condemned. As is Skojec, and at times Dreher, in their interactions.

  6. The comment regarding the weak faith of Trads is shallow and shortsighted. Each human being is exactly that. Those statements do not draw me to the NO. It makes you appear judgmental and lacking in understanding and wisdom despite active corporal works of mercy - and lacking in spiritual works of mercy.
    I have frequented the big pulpit website since the scandals of the summer of 2018 broke (I think that was the year). It saddens me greatly that a person who takes such a great effort of assemble so many foundational (and dare I say traditional) pieces has such a poor view of the TLM community. I will pray for wisdom and understanding for you. Again - one person with his own trials and graces. Just like Sojec and Dreher. Pray for them.

    1. I don't think that was what was being said at all.

  7. So for years Dreher raged against the growing assault on religious liberty by the Left. Fair call. But when Covid hit, he embraced the mass hysteria, all but calling on any and all jack-booted thugs possible to kick down doors and drag away those reprobates gathering to worship God when our expert class strictly forbad such affronts to our wellbeing. Yes, he later conceded that there were serious problems with how Covid was handled. But as far as I know, he never came out and fully apologized and owned up to the part he played in that same oppression and persecution of dissenters.
    I've paid intermitted attention to Dreher for 23 years. What you're describing is how he responds as a matter of course to phenomena which are novel to him. He's always been the man you'd be tempted to frag in the foxhole. You may be dissatisfied with his subsequent self-abasement, but his capacity and inclination to do that is above the median.
    As for Steve Skojec, he's taken a certain amount of pounding over the years. To some extent that's his experience and to some extent his framing of that experience. The first episode was his encounter with Regnum Christi 25 years ago. He's not going to respond to that pounding the way the rest of us would, and that (I believe) is his virtues at work. I'm not inclined to critique him.


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