
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Trump is going for his five bonus armies


Yep.  As any RISK player knows, N. America is the easiest continent to hold once you get it (at least that gives you more than two bonus armies a turn).  And if you start with America, then you need Canada, Greenland and Central America to make it a full continent and get those five extra armies a turn. 

My sons noted that, and joked that Trump must have been playing RISK recently.  A much saner appraisal than the bat nuts psycho hysterics around the world and across the media and leftwing punditry we're seeing.  Sometimes I think Trump does these things just to watch people make him look calm, reasonable and sane by comparison. 

Personally I think it's how he operates.  Throw a verbal grenade into the conference, create chaos, and then while your opponents are beating themselves senseless with lunacy and being distracted by their own nuttiness, he goes about getting done what he wants to do.  

It reminds me of what one of my sons said back during Trump's first term.  The only thing that makes Donald Trump seem grounded and sensible by comparison is his opponents. 


  1. I appreciated this one. Almost worthy of a babylon bee article there, Dave. ;)

    1. Hat tip to my boys. They were over and talking about things and pretty much came up with this on the fly. When I thought of it and remembered the old RISK maps I said yeah, I could believe he's been playing recently!

  2. Haha! This was funny! I think he's epically trolling Canada, but to be fair, they are very troll-able. I'd actually hate to see them join the States though...they are temperamentally unsuited to respect the Constitution and its amendments, and would do nothing but continue to vote leftist and give that side a leg up.

    1. Heh, I won't hold my breath in any event. As I said, I'm of the opinion that this is how Trump operates. He knows the media - he was a media tabloid star for decades. He gets them. And with the exception of Covid which caught him (and everyone) off balance - allowing his opponents to pounce - he's generally had his way with the press. It looks like the press has learned nothing, but Trump has learned much. We'll see how that unfolds over the next few years.


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