Monday, November 18, 2024

What we can expect to hear all day every day from the American news media for the next four years


My boys chuckled and said that in four days, they have heard more negative press coverage, more stories invoking scandal and controversy, more unfavorable analysis of what is actually happening with the incoming administration, than the total of the last four years combined.  

Not only that, but we caught a segment on one of the news shows pondering if Trump can live up to his campaigning and fix the economy as he promised.  We immediately asked fix what?  For three years the press insisted it's a mother beautiful economy.  Even on election night, on the ABC round table, they questioned why Americans just couldn't feel the awesomeness of our strong and robust economy.  Most likely something to do with many Americans not being able to afford shelter, fuel and groceries was our guess. 

But it's so nakedly obvious.  All pretense of not being ministries of lies and propaganda for leftwing globalism has long been tossed out the window by the media. Though it didn't work this time, just like it didn't work in 2016.   And my oldest son, no fan of Trump that he is, maintains that Trump's loss in 2020 was not some universal mandate for the Left.  He believes had Trump not told his supporters to sit on it and reject early voting, he might have won then.  

So the idea that the media and leftwing establishment has the power it had, even in 2014  - when BLM could change the appraisal of our history, leading to Talibanish purges of our historical monuments and memorials unhindered, and experts were trotted out to explain that Islamic terror attacks in America is the new normal, and that obviously boys should use girls bathrooms or the Fed will pull your funding - might even less true today than 2016.  

Though there is a positive, if you think on it.  Years and years ago, at the defunct Catholic and Enjoying It, Mark linked to another blogger who addressed the issue of Catholics voting.  At the time, Mark was moving toward his 'pox on both houses' position.  But the blogger stated that there was one unarguable reason to vote Republican.  Because as soon as Republicans are anywhere close to the majority, and certainly when they hold the White House, the press gets busy and begins telling us just how terrible things are in America and the world.  Mark agreed then, and I agree today, with the caveat that now the press isn't content with reporting the bad, but it will report that everything is bad whether true or not.

Monday, November 11, 2024

A couple old reflections for this Veteran's Day

Let's fight to keep what they served to protect

One here, remembering my family members who have gone before from an All Souls Day post, that includes some veterans on the list.  

And here, where I unpacked more my favorite veteran - my late dad, as well as others.  

Also here is a less pleasant one, a post dealing with Catholic BLM activist Gloria Purvis.  In it she claimed a celebrated war hero from WWII was never honored - I'll let you guess why she implies he was never honored.  Yet as readers of the comments section will note, and something I later verified myself, in a war that saw war heroes lifted up and celebrated for any reason possible, he was actually quite honored and celebrated in the day.  Far more than many heroes of the time. 

Whether partisan driven laziness or willful ignorance or whatever on Purvis's part, I don't know.  I'll take a charitable assumption and guess she just wasn't driven to find out the facts ahead of time (which was discoverable on none other than Wikipedia). And those who reposted her post back then with tears and sorrows for our racist nation assumed that she had done the required research.  

But given Veteran's Day as a day to remember those who served, and given that we saw such a repudiation of those like Purvis and their style of leftwing activism that seeks to tear down and besmirch what those veterans served for, it seems a fitting thing to link to on this day of remembrance. 

And just in case we need a reminder for those striving for goodness and virtue against the Left's alternatives:  

L to R: Not a Hero, Hero

Friday, November 8, 2024


That's deacon, teacher of theology and Catholic film critic Steven Greydanus. You catch that?  First, note the use of the euphemistic leftwing media endorsed term 'gender affirming care.'  That is, more honestly stated, sex change procedures, in the case of this discussion being used on minors. But you can't say that because the overwhelming majority of Americans don't approve of turning underage boys into girls and vice versa.  We won't even discuss how fringe the unpopular idea is that parents should be barred from being part of such life altering procedures.  

But note, he appears to have no problem with laws that would keep parents out of the loop as long as actual surgery isn't involved. That opens the door for all of those preliminary procedures involving puberty blockers and messing with their hormones and physical development in the name of transgender activism.  Which, from what I read, he is more than happy to support as well as keeping parents out of the loop in those cases.  That's hardcore left beyond what even some on the left will tolerate.  And, in a dose of irony, contrary to Pope Francis's opinions about the subject. 

Basically, Greydanus continues to demonstrate that he will completely follow the Left, embrace it entirely and defend it whenever possible.  If impossible to defend something, then briefly acknowledge it, downplay it, and attack anyone trying to make it an issue. I'm thinking of those who tried to get him to forcefully call out the leftists and non-white activists who were openly cheering Hamas and the worst single day slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust. We tried, but it got us nowhere.  

This shows that the leftwing bubble our corporate oligarchy has formed continues to preach to itself in the mirror, despite a growing number of anyone under the sun questioning some of its agendas.  As my son said, the problem Democrats have is that they will never be radical leftwing enough to appease the zealotry of the coastal leftwing fringes.  In trying to do so, however, they are becoming far more leftwing radical than most Americans of any stripe will tolerate.  

And what of the Greydanuses of the world, who appear willing to follow the left wherever it goes?  Again, thralls of the leftwing bubble, but increasingly out of touch thralls who have sworn themselves to a movement a growing number of people are beginning to doubt, suspect and even fear.