Thursday, October 31, 2024

Now that's funny

 I have to give him credit, this made me laugh:

And if the Democrats lose to him, it more than serves them right. 

UPDATE:  On the other hand, the daily award for the most duplicitous headline about this story has to go here:

I didn't get to see all of the morning news outlets cover this, but the ones I did see mentioned only that Trump did this in response to some vague, unnamed statement by Biden.  No mention of what exactly Biden said.  Unlike the constant repeating of the comedian's statement about Puerto Rico, which was repeated endlessly for days.  One local network had on the ticker what Biden said, but the story itself wasn't covered. 

One of the great evils of our age is that we can't know what is going on in the world because the agencies with the ability to convey the information have long ago thrown integrity and truth out the window for the sake of their interests, no matter who or what is hurt as a result. 


  1. (Tom New Poster)
    Certainly nothing wrong with his brain (despite suddenly expressed "concerns" about cognitive decline that somehow escaped the press in the matter of Biden. One particularly disgusting piece on the SF Chronicle hinted he had tertiary syphilis. That's TDS to the max!)
    He came out of right field, spent comparatively little money (and much of own), got complete victories in three Republican primaries, beat Hillary, nearly beat Joe and now is poised to beat Kamala in a comeback not seen since the days of Grover Cleveland. In the future it will be right to compare Trump with Andrew Jackson (for good and ill): an outsider expressing public disgust with "politics as usual" on both sides of the aisle. He's certainly changed the Republican party the way Jackson transformed the Democrats.
    I know some say he and the GOP have abandoned the pro-life cause, Well, speaking as a Catholic in a blue state, when did we ever court them? Our bishops (and their lay "social services" staffs) are married to the welfare state. We love Big Government, except on the life and family issues, and our refusal to excommunicate pro-abortion Catholics muddies the message further. The GOP is reading what we do, not what we say.

    1. I literally can't even with the Bishops currently. And it really is because they are wedded to the welfare state. Not one mention of caution about Harris' pledge to deny religious exemptions to any of her pro-abortion policies, of which she's also pledged to try to and squash time honored rules to get passed.

    2. There is too much federal money going to the Church. Very little oversight of where it's going. I think the US Church is afraid of losing federal monies if it speaks out against the dems too much. It pains me to say this but with millions swirling around in the hands the Church, even bishops are not immune to being corrupted. The Church has got to STOP taking money from government. It's as bad as taking a loan from the mafia.

    3. I didn't have a chance to comment before the results of Tuesday, but what you said is pretty spot on. I think those who are pro-life, especially from a Christian perspective, need to step up and hold his feet to the fire. No more selling hearts and souls for Republican politicians, given what that has yielded as we watch so many of those (ahem, Bush/Cheney) throw conservatives under the bus. But I do believe Trump is part of a greater global repudiation of the easy monopoly that the global Left has enjoyed in framing the narrative.

  2. (Tom New Poster)
    Much of IT his own. Sorry.

  3. The Left has no sense of humor, LOL It takes itself so seriously that it reminds one of, now who's that guy??? Oh yes, Satan. Per Chesterton: "Laughter is a leap. It is easy to be heavy: hard to be light. Satan fell by the force of gravity."

    1. You're right, they have NO sense of humor. Have you noticed the right seems to have a monopoly of attractive women? Strong, intelligent ones at that? Leftist women would be attractive but their hate of pro-lifers and love for killing babies is etched on their faces make for very unattractive women. Look at the View.

    2. No. Something about the Left reduces comedy to hating non-leftists, otherwise rage. I joked with Greydanus about an old jab I made to him about his review of the Phantom Menace. Back then it was funny and he was light hearted about it. This time I was informed how ill informed I am about film reviews and generally ignorant of the subject. Again, hardly unique to the left, but almost universal among the left.


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