Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day

For two of the best moms in the world.  My wife and my mom.   Mom is much aged now in only that year or so, but this photo would not do bad by her in the day it was taken.  My wife is a super-hero where caring for my mom is concerned.  I do the lion's share of taking care of her and all the day-to-day, finances, insurance, medical and such.  But there are certain areas where I'm a bit squeamish. That's where my wife steps up.  Every morning, before going to work, she gets my mom up and tends to her needs and makes sure everything is good to go.  She then makes sure, at night, my mom is taken care of again.  She also helps in other areas, especially keeping track of medications - no small task.  I couldn't do it without her.  But then, that's been our life together.  I'm more the comic relief.  She has ever been the hub around which we turn.  I'm not sure if the same was true with my mom since my dad was such a force of nature, but she was no less important and the second best mom I've ever known (guess who I think is the first).  So happy Mother's Day to them and all who have been a mom to someone in their lives.  


  1. You're an outstanding son to be taking care of your mother like this, good and faithful son!

    1. Thanks. I figure it's the least I can do. She is a pretty awesome mom.

  2. A very blessed mother's day to some moms who have been very blessed with such fine sons.

    1. They do make me proud. When we go places, my mom needs help. Usually it's the sons who help walk her if they're available. People in the area note that.

  3. Next year I imagine you’ll be adding to the “Great Moms” in your life list. I have no doubt your DIL will make the cut :)

    1. I think she'll do a very good turn as a mom. That will be three. And no doubt counting.

    2. Fingers crossed. But I'm sure you'll make an awesome granddad yourself.


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