
Wednesday, August 30, 2023


I have said before that a big - and I mean BIG - reason liberalism wins is that those who resist it are often all talk.  I know, we hear 'but conservatives have day jobs' or 'but conservatives are the adults in the room' or 'liberals have unfair advantages because the news media' and such.  

But as often as not, conservatives are big on talk, itty-bitty on actions.  Oh, they may rush out and make a fuss for a day or two.  But at the end of the day, it will be business as usual.  Thus:

Yep.  And that's just one.  Consider the ever present mantra that 'middle America won't sit still for this.'  Sit still for what?  Our FBI has been caught read handed spying on Churches to see what their religious practices and beliefs are.  They are pushing to mutilate the bodes of youth at the hands of state operatives while boldly declaring their aim of blocking parents from stopping them.  They are erasing our heritage and destroying the memorials to those who built our nation. They are openly advocating racial discrimination based on group and ethnic identity.  What exactly is it 'those right wing American rednecks' won't sit still for?   

Whatever it is, apparently it doesn't include ditching a beer brand to make a point.  When you have that lack of conviction and passion, don't expect to win against those who have both. 


  1. Conservatives have no champions. The ones they relied on or sent into battle have all failed us.
    There’s a reason WF Buckley said we lost the culture war a long time ago. Because we couldn’t live without our fleshy indulgences, divorces, feminist ideals or our worldly affirmations.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Absolutely spot on correct. The last couple decades have watched a tidal surge of conservative leaders – religious and otherwise - simply jump ship and swim to the other side to one degree or another. Even if they are not full-blown leftists (thinking Russ Moore) they've made it clear they'll turn a blind eye where the Left's madness and tyranny are concerned, and double down efforts to blast and attack those still holding to the historical Faith and its values. And it happens every day. I saw the pastor of one of your big 'conservative evangelical' mega-churches a few weeks ago come out with the 'it's time for America to admit to the 400 year Nazi genocide racist state that we and our ancestors have been'. And that's a conservative leader. I think it shows, deep down, a tremendous lack of faith in what they said they believed. And while youngsters, especially on the left, may be happy to see it. They also see it as proof these never really believe their garbage in the first place, and don't see a reason to believe the newly minted, new and improved garbage they are peddling now. Hence the staggering rates of young people abandoning the Faith.

    3. Middle America is actively seeking to get ahead by joining ranks. Case in point: one of our large local library systems's executive director is a practicing NFP, pro-life Catholic, and a
      graduate of Hillsdale College. Yet when a local parent stood up to ask about moving a very sexually explicit book from the kid section to the adult section, the board and director initially said they would revisit their policy of book placement of that specific material. But then back room talks went on and a whole group of adults mobilized and flooded the board meeting protesting such a move of the book, and the (Catholic) director made the issue all about "serving everyone in the community." In addition, this libary's book purchaser is a practicing Catholic also and was grievously annoyed that other Catholic parents were the ones speaking up about the book. Because, again, "the library is for everyone!" Of course no discussion on the "common good" or worry, apparently, that some kid will have his/her innocence damaged by coming across such a book that puts damaging ideas in their minds. I keep thinking... what about "Better a millstone around your neck than causing one of these little ones to sin?!?"
      Anyway, there you go... why conservatives have lost the culture war. They not only won't fight for it, too many who 'should be" conservative on face value are, quite simply, not. And it's for worldly gain, ultimately. Trying not to be too harsh with these librarians in particular as I'm not sure what I would do if faced with giving up my livelihood. Director is the breadwinner in the house, but what does it benefit one to gain the whole world if it means giving up one's soul to do it?

  2. I remember the day I realized we had lost the culture wars. Some years ago, I attended a pro-life event in front of the local abortuary. I looked around and realized that it was the same half-dozen or so people that always attended these things. Where was everybody else in the diocese? I'll tell you where : a short distance away, thousands of Catholics had gathered to gawk at an oil slick in a window that somebody thought looked like the Virgin Mary. Religious thrills? Sure. Christian witness? Forget about it. Ours is a dead, or nearly dead, church. I hate to say it, but it's true.

    1. I don't know if nearly dead as much as on life support. Much of the Church appears to want to follow the mainline Protestant denominations that long ago abandoned faith in historical Christianity. That is, faith that it ever really happened and is no more than a fable or a myth that is no more valuable than any other fable or myth. As we've seen with those denominations, that approach has consequences.

    2. I suppose a sign things are not completely dead yet is the fact that a lot of ordinary people are still not buying Bud Light. And Target has taken a hit too. I know I’m looking at EBay first for things I might otherwise consider buying at Target, for gifts in particular. Other moms I know too are trying to modify their shopping habits some. So yes, things are not completely dead yet.


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