
Thursday, July 28, 2022

The Left and the ruination of everything

Some say the Left ruins everything.  When I think of what it has done to the Boy Scouts, to sports, to the military, to churches, I'm inclined to agree.   But what do we expect?  Increasingly those on the Left are opening up with their Marxist, pseudo-communist leanings.  They fully reject God and the Gospel and Jesus Christ.  They declare their opposition to the Bible and the Christian values and teachings of the Faith. They make plain their desire to throw down the Christian West and the American experiment. Therefore, those who see value in the heritage of Western Christian civilization can't help but see the destruction and damage done to all areas of life this movement touches, including art and our basic values and cherished principles. 

The above clip looks to be in response to calls for the removal of Gone With the Wind that happened a couple years ago.  His dig about the hallowing and sanctifying of Presentism as the Left's prime approach to history was nice to see.  An approach universally condemned in my undergrad and graduate days, it has become the exclusive approach to studying the Western tradition over the last two decades.  I'll leave you to figure if this approach has helped or hindered the quality of our cultural output.  


  1. The Military was shooting Filipino children and proping up bannana Republics long before the Left got involved. The generals who proposed Operation Northwoods had more in common with Eisenhower and McCarthy than with Marx.
    That's not to deny the good side (like how our military beat the Barbary Pirates, Freed Confederate Slaves, or defended Homesteaders from Bandits and Apache raiders), but to say that the Left has "ruined," our Military seems like a fairly naive statement.

    1. The number one task for a military is to defend its people. By all accounts, our military today is failing at that task. There is little belief that if we were suddenly assaulted by an aggressive nation, our military could do anything but lose. Recently training exercises had to be suspended due to the uptick in fatalities. This was attributed to lack of preparation and training by a military rep interviewed on CBS. All while the military's top officials are bending over backwards to focus on LGBTQ, trans this and drag queen that and CRT and BLM over there. That is the ruination unique to the Left, which is the same the Left brings to so many aspects of life. Whatever our troops did in the Philippines had little to do with Marx or Eisenhower or Mozart. That's what comes of militaries in a fallen world. Long before the Americans came, those same Filipinos would kill their own children for their own reasons. The world is thus. But the world ihas not historically said we must stop training because we simply can't prepare our soldiers properly while focusing on the important priority of men having babies. That is a whole world of difference.

    2. The Military was shooting Filipino children and proping up bannana Republics

      Random calumny is unattractive.

    3. If you discuss U.S. war crimes, Art Deco will show up five seconds later to call you an anti-Semite or something. Very predictable.

    4. When it comes to today's military, all we need to defend against China is a fleet of functional ships and enough nerds to operate the electronic targeting systems. Any nation anywhere near powerful enough to invade us needs to get through our navy. Physical strength and healthy sexual decisions aren't important when it comes to modern naval warfare. Physical strength is only necessary for boots on the ground operations. In the unlikely event we need boots on the ground, Ron DeSantis can deploy the Florida national guard. Even with a navy full of halfwit drag queens and BLM flags, invading the US would be a bad cost-benefit ratio for China due to geography and the threat of nuclear war. Nukes are so easy to fire Steven Hawking could do it from his wheelchair.
      As for Art Deco's statement, American warcrimes in the Philippines are well documented. Try googling it. I absolutely wasn't denying that Filipinos are also capable of murder. My point is that all governments make bad military decisions all the time. The modern BLM and LGBTQIA-&_336+!:$7- Retardation is just the latest in a long parade of American military blunders.

    5. If you discuss U.S. war crimes, Art Deco will show up five seconds later to call you an anti-Semite or something. Very predictable.

      If you imagine war crimes and pretend they are real, I will point that out.

      If you bring up the Jews a propos of nothing in particular, you've got a problem

      McClarey banned you for a reason.

    6. As for Art Deco's statement, American warcrimes in the Philippines are well documented.

      I've read scholarly literature on the subject. It's like discussions of the Iraq War. The bloodshed is routinely exaggerated several fold.

      There will be abuses in any war.

    7. Also, the phrase 'propping up banana republics' is a nonsense statement. It has no more discernible meaning that scat singing.

    8. "propping up bannana Republics," has plenty of meaning. A Bannana Republic is a Dictatorial Nation which bribes the American Government with low-priced Bannana imports in return for helping their police forces crush rebellion.
      Of course there are abuses in every war. That was just the specific example I was using. My point was that modern day woke military decisions aren't a uniquely evil phenomenon, but simply the latest in a long line of bad military decisions made by human governments sine the agricultural revolution first created the State. I simply used the Bannana wars and Philippines as an example.

    9. "propping up bannana Republics," has plenty of meaning.

      No, it doesn't. And you're deeply confused.

      A Bannana Republic is a Dictatorial Nation which bribes the American Government with low-priced Bannana imports in return for helping their police forces crush rebellion.

      1. Learn to spell.

      2. You're understanding of foreign relations in Latin America and anywhere else is perfectly fanciful. Places where tropical fruit accounts for a large share of exports have a fraction of our affluence. They're not going to be in a position to bribe the United States government with any sum we'd notice and they certainly aren't going to do so with cut-rate tropical fruit, even if they were vending it through a state marketing authority (which i do not think has been common practice in Latin America).

      3. The common use of the term 'banana republic' has been to refer to a state with a particular pattern of political relations. You don't 'prop up' a banana republic. A working political society will have these patterns, or they'll build something more functional, or they'll lapse into anarchy. You can prop up a particular set of actors within that political society, but the political society is not something which is propped up.

      4. The common use of the term refers to a regime in which the state, such as it is, is in the hands of an entrepreneurial caudillo, typically one who has built his client base in the military.

      5. As common as the caudillo regime, perhaps more common, was the regime of gentry factions, commonly termed 'liberal' and 'conservative', which tangled over public offices and sometimes competed in elections (or a simulacrum of elections). The caudillos were commonly associated with one or another faction.

      6. Places where the military has had a presence of note in the last four generations have been Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Panama. They've had a minor presence in El Salvador and Columbia at times. In no case would your characterization of their activities be fair.

    10. Your understanding.

    11. It's not my Understanding you need to deal with (clearly I'm not clear on the details), but the testimony of Smeddly Butler, a highly Decorated Marine Officer who described American foreign policy in the Caribbean region as mostly motivated by Business interests.

    12. It's not my Understanding you need to deal with (clearly I'm not clear on the details), but the testimony of Smeddly Butler, a highly Decorated Marine Officer who described American foreign policy in the Caribbean region as mostly motivated by Business interests.

      There's a philosophy professor at one of the Minnesota state campuses who fancy he's proved that President Kennedy was shot from three directions. He later went into promoting 9/11 truther discourse. Among the people who he recruited as research assistants was a man who arrives in Dealey Plaza in Dallas and begins chattering into what he fancies were CIA listening devices. They were sprinkler heads.

      There are very credentialed people who promote silly theses, for whatever reasons they have to do so. I don't need to 'deal' with them. That's a waste of time.

    13. Donald, I have to say your appraisal of the military is off base. The idea that ours can be an army of ne'er-do-wells and malcontents but that our computers will save the day sounds more like video game fantasy than reality. As I said, already training exercises have been suspended because, per the military spokesman himself, the troops simply aren't prepared and adequately trained. If we can't do mere exercises without unacceptable losses, our odds against a hostile enemy are slim. Plus I doubt any enemy would come at us via Red Dawn style anyway. Most likely they will continue to draw America in, baiting it, letting our deep divisions continue to encourage us to eat each other as they take one chess piece after another from America's stock and store. Remember, we're an impatient brood who imagines everyone in the world operates on our 'offended that minute soup takes a minute' standards. There are plenty of places in the world where they are perfectly willing to play the long game. If it's their descendants who end up stepping on the ashes of the dead and cremated West, that's fine with them. Hence no need to do something foolish like invade America for the quick win.

  2. LOL. You routinely deploy the anti-Semite smear against people who never bring up Judaism. And your ignorance of U.S. war crimes in the Philippines or Afghanistan or Iraq is glaring. Spend less time reading Mark Levin and more time reading Ron Paul.

    As for McClarey, he banned me because he's a semi-literate boomer who thinks that being an armchair militarist makes him a man of strength. In reality, he's a bully who takes no shame in comparing critics of the war in Ukraine to rape apologists.

    1. LOL. You routinely deploy the anti-Semite smear against people who never bring up Judaism. And your ignorance of U.S. war crimes in the Philippines or Afghanistan or Iraq is glaring. Spend less time reading Mark Levin and more time reading Ron Paul.

      I cannot recall what handle you were using when McClarey banned you, only that I did not recall I'd ever seen it before. Amusing you've been following me around, or are pretending to, for some reason.

      I'm an occasional participant in Unz fora, so cross paths with Joo haters routinely. Since they're quite pleased with themselves for being Joo haters, there's no need for me to point it out and I do not bother, except, on occasion, to point out the practical implications of one of their complaints or the assumptions encoded in them.

      As for Dr. Paul, he's a conceited crank whose policy prescriptions are frankly silly. I have no interest in paying him any mind. His son is a serious person, which he is not.

      The term 'war crime', like 'genocide' is inflammatory and grossly over used. We had Nuremberg tribunals and they later had deNazification courts because the offenses of Nazi Germany were so gratuitous and so out of the ordinary.


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