
Friday, July 29, 2022

Leftwing tolerance is like kosher ham

This is actually a story.  Set aside the stupid Quidditch sport existing in the first place.  I often wonder if those hipsters who do such things know they are doing just what the corporatism they despise loves to see happen:  People obsessing and immersing themselves in a culture of corporate driven fanboy products. 

Anyway, it exists.  A game based on that sport played in the Harry Potter novels.  Well, it did exist.  They'll still play it, but now they are changing the name.  Why?   Because author J.K.Rowling has failed to conform 100% to leftwing same-think. 

Did she come out and oppose transgenderism?  Perhaps by now, but not initially.  Initially, all she did was defend a high profile Brit scientist - a woman - who was fired for saying scientists shouldn't be fired when they fail to see the science behind the transgender movement.  Like most who initially grovel before the Left, she made her statement wrapped in endless praise and adoration of feminism, the LGTBQ movement, transgender rights and any other leftwing cause.

But it did no good.  Despite her assurances of leftwing conformity, she nonetheless challenged a crucial veil for the latest attack on reality.  That is, the science isn't there behind the whole post-gender movement. Some scientists say it is, but a surprising number of scientists admit the science just doesn't add up with gender being nothing to do with anatomy.  That is why Rowling spoke out against that high profile woman being fired for saying scientists shouldn't be fired when they don't see the science behind transgender normality. 

And now it's this.  And this is only one of many pogroms against Rowling since the whole thing erupted.  Calls to ban her books, sever ties with her brand, ostracize her have become quite common.  According to my boys, there are entire movements dedicated to bringing her down.  Not because she disagreed with transgenderism or the Left.  But because she dared even think of questioning one of its main tactics: conformity at gun point. 

1 comment:

  1. I've been a moderate Harry Potter fan for a long time, dispite the many flaws of the series. I think the existence of Quidditch as a sport is great. I've never been a fan of JK Rowling's politics until now. Her support of Gay stuff, her unnuanced criticism of Trump and her opposition to Scottish Independence were all problematic but I still want her to succeed in this current fight against the Woke Twitter mob.
    She's kinda like Putin. I've been highly critical of both Vlad and Rowling in the past, but in both cases their victory will bring Biden, Soros and the CIA down a peg, so I'm rooting for them both. Putin even compared himself to JK Rowing recently. Both are victims of Cancel Culture.


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