
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

A Happy Annivesrary to my lovely wife

Here is a collage I did a couple years ago for our anniversary.  I posted it on Facebook, which I used to do more than now:

It was well received and people spoke well of it.  It was a collection of pictures dating to right before I met her (top left) to, in no particular order, the most recent at that time (center top).   Since that was a few years ago, I thought I would update the collection with some more pictures of the longsuffering Mrs. Griffey:

It wasn't easy finding pictures because Covid and all.  But it works.  Except for the top left (one I've always liked - from the first night after we moved to Louisville in 1993), they're all recent, from the last date we had right before Covid to a few different outings we've been able to enjoy in the midst of the crazy.   

This being our 29th Anniversary, we didn't plan much.  For our 25th, our boys pulled their resources and sent us to a nearby resort hotel, built in the manner of a castle, in the northern Ohio woodlands.  I posted a few picks here.  It being February in Ohio (in Florida, that means 70s and a cool, gentle breeze),  we got snowed in while there.  But what a beautiful place to be snowed in.  The room had a high tower you could ascend by way of a spiral staircase.  Sitting up there and looking out at the snow covered hills while having a small breakfast and a fireplace going was as atmospheric as it comes. 

For this time, they surprised us with an overnight stay at a local Bed and Breakfast.  It was going to be a smaller room, since it was only one night.  As fortune would have it, they were unable to get the previous guests to leave on time, and weren't ready for us.  therefore they gave us their big suite for the same cost - plus a complementary bottle of champagne for our troubles.  Along with a wine basket the boys put together, we enjoyed our first real outing since March, 2020.  

The other part of their gift (three other wine bottles not showing)

Next year will be the big year, in which we celebrate three decades together. Right now it will also be at least one wedding for one of our sons.  And who knows what else.  But it was a nice time, a pleasant time, even as the world seems to be going crazy.  Sometimes getting away from the crazy isn't bad. 


  1. It was an awesome refreshing time. Happy Anniversary love. You show me every day what love truly is. So from the not so long suffer Mrs. Happy 29. And Gao Grant us many more wonderful years together!

    1. Howdy stranger! Back at you. Thanks for the years, and may there be many more.

  2. Cheers to the happy couple! God has richly blessed you both and may you continue to enjoy many happy, GRAND times to come. ;)

    1. Thanks Nate! Yes, we are blessed and if we had nothing else, our family is something to be thankful for.

    2. The older one gets, the more one realizes family really is the only treasure that matters.

    3. That's absolutely true. I began realizing that when my dad had his heart attack when I was in college. From then, I realized family is not something to take for granted.


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