
Tuesday, May 4, 2021

This is why I advised my sons not to join the military

This is what our military has been reduced to.  At a time of increased fatalities through accidents, cases in which servicemen have proven ill-prepared for combat, and mounting cases of criminal assault and unexplained murders, our military focuses on - all things gay sex. Because that's what the leftwing says to focus on. 

So what if as many Americans have died of AIDS - with the majority being homosexual men - as have been killed in all of America's wars combined?     If anyone doubts the 'cold civil war' or 'culture war' or whatever you prefer has been lost by those who would preserve the Christian Western tradition, I give you this. 

I try to imagine what future history will say about us. I don't think it will be pretty. 'So dad, you're saying that in a world of pandemic and mounting crisis, the thing they care about the most was who those in their military units wanted to have sex with?' 'Yes son, that explains a lot.'


  1. We are all guilty of sin and now have an advocate who delivers us from sin in our repentance. However today there is little repentance and what I find monstrous is that there no longer seems to be any shame especially for the sins of abortion and homosexuality. They are now "Proud" of sin. Tell me this is not a messed up world.

    1. We've reverted to paganism, but not even with the better parts. We're embracing the worst parts of paganism while rejecting the better parts because of our simultaneous embrace of secularism. Godlessness, it turns out, is not a net benefit for society.

  2. As one who served in the "old" army, I must concur with the author. The military is not a place for social experimentation. It has only one purpose: break things and kill people. An apt demonstration is the actions of President Roosevelt in WW II. A political president as ever there was, he still had no interest in transforming the military into anything like a New Deal program. It took his wife Eleanor to even persuade him to allow Black aviators. Two things are certain to come from this new military: Fewer volunteers for the services and less effective units to do the job assigned.

    1. Yep. That seems to be what is happening. It certainly happened to my sons. As they said, accidents happen and sometimes tragedy occurs. If they joined the military and died due to an accident, or in the line of duty, that comes with the job. But dying because they're not prepared so that the military can focus on this instead, that is not what should come with the job. Hence, at least two, if not three, fewer volunteers.

  3. This reminds me of the Babylon Bee article about Chinese soldiers being trained to shout "wrong" pronouns at American soldiers during battle.

    1. It also reminds me of their peice about Biden bombing Syrian villages with rainbow colored bombs.

    2. Sometimes the problem with the Bee is that its absurdity doesn't match reality in the modern age.

  4. I was helped to become an adult via the Navy, but that was 1958 to 1961. I would not recommend the military to anyone today.

    1. No. As my sons said, they would take the risks in the military since risks come with the job. They would not take risks for the military to do this, which has nothing to do with the military's job.


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