
Saturday, May 1, 2021

Media codewords for being correct

Whenever the media says you've ignited a fiery debate, or are controversial, or have offended someone, you can bet there's a 98% chance you're on the right side, the good side, the side of common decency, common sense and the general welfare of men of good will.  That's because the press has a tendency of describing rhetoric that way only when the rhetoric disagrees with the press.  And since the press has emerged as one of the greatest forces of lies and evil in the world, and perhaps the greatest threat to freedom, democracy and life itself we've seen since Moscow c. 1990, being on the wrong side of the press means you're probably doing something right. 


  1. All I have to do is see that the left/democrat/liberal is pro abortion, pro euthanasia, pro assisted suicide, pro homosexual acts, pro transgenderism, pro open borders and allowing human trafficking by drug cartels, issuing restrictions on free speech, trying to restrict our freedom to defend ourselves with arms, restricting our right to freedom of religion and....shall I go on? It's pretty clear to me to see what side I SHOULD be on and it's not the left.

    1. It's amazing what they flagrantly endorse that people who once would have not thought twice about resisting are now fully on board with supporting.

  2. Things are moving quickly in this world. Fifteen years ago I told a coworker that I didn't recognize my country anymore. Now? I don't even know what planet we're on. If I have any faith left and I do, it is not my doing but God's. He gave us the gift of faith and he alone sustains it if we allow Him to.

    1. I find my faith is stronger as I watch so many things used to challenge the Faith collapse. Plus it becomes easier to rethink priorities since almost anything we imagined was good or valuable can find itself on the chopping block in the modern era.


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