
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

What will New Prolife Catholics do if Harris wins?

If Harris defeats Trump, what will the vaunted New Prolife Catholics do?  Since Trump's election, most NPLCs have solidly allied with the Left, no matter how radical the Left has become.  If it's hating America, hating  white people, hating men, boasting of aborting millions of pregnancies, pushing sex onto children, euthanizing the weak and sickly - it matters not.  No hypocrisy, evil, or wickedness of the Left was a dealbreaker.  It was always Trump.  Trump was the one evil greater than which there was no evil able to be conceived.  Therefore, no matter what those NPLCs may have once said was good or bad, they embraced all the Left offered for the purpose of defeating Trump.

So ... what if Trump loses?  It's likely he will.  It would defy all of everything we've come to know in the world if he wins.  So let's just say he loses and Harris wins.  Then what will those NPLCs do?  Trump will have been defeated.  The GOP brought low.  

If they have been honest and are really just old faithful Catholics and even conservatives at heart, compelled to align with dark forces for the greater good of defeating the Great Evil - then the Great Evil is defeated.  At that point, we would expect such NPLCs to immediately turn around and begin working against the evils, the death, the debauchery, the blasphemies that exist to the left of center.

And some no doubt will.  I have no doubt there will be some who have truly believed Trump was such an immediate threat to the universe that any and all measures needed to be embraced to defeat him.  But with him defeated, they no longer have that reason.

I guess that will be a chance to see who was telling the truth, and who had long ago sold mind, heart, body and soul to this emerging darkness covering the world.  The ones who turn and begin fighting against the evils of the Left will have been honest, I'll assume.  Those who find ways to continue being the Left's mouthpieces, however, I'll assume we know where their hearts are.  We'll then know that Trump was irrelevant, and merely a cheap excuse to align with forces they long ago had decided to follow.  

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