
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

My election prediction

In 2016, on the eve of Election Day, I predicted that Hillary Clinton would be our first female president. As you can see, my predictions about election results and a fistful of money will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.  

As for this election?  It's impossible to tell.  I don't think anyone even cares about Biden.  Heck, I don't think many even care for Harris, the one most likely to be president in four years.  They're voting against the media's portrayal of Trump.   Fifty years ago, most who are voting for Trump wouldn't have gotten near the man's ballot if they had to.  And that's if he did everything good he's done for the last four years.  That was simply not acceptable decades ago.

But this is today.  CBS reported last Memorial Day that almost 40% of Americans feel it's time for the Constitution and Bill of Rights to go.  My boys report that no small number of their fellow students embrace the whole 'hate speech is not free speech' mantra.  Not a few former Evangelicals I remember, who were all about 'Conservative Evangelicalism' twenty years ago, sound more liberal than most liberal professors they once condemned.

And that last thing is a bugger.  Some who are Never Trumpers are so because of the first part I mentioned above.  Trump simply isn't someone they ever would have supported.  Not forty years ago.  Not today.  His problems, failings, and general moral laxity and behaviors negate any support they could have for him.  Not that they will vote for Harris, but they will not cross that line and vote for Trump either.

Most Never Trumpers, however, appear to be people who have been itching to join the obvious dominion of the emergent Left.  Rats and sinking ships, and it's tough to imagine how many will eventually go there. 

This global revolution embraces many things widely considered evil by the majority of people only a few years ago; certainly considered evil by so many Never Trumpers.  Ten years ago you wouldn't be fired for saying boys and girls existed.  Twenty years ago you were innocent until proven guilty in the court of public opinion every bit as much as an actual courtroom.  All my life violence was never the answer.  The only way to be cleansed of our sin of racism was to put race behind us and be color-blind. 

Today, in only a few years, all of these things once called evil are not just called good, they are mandated.  Whites are told to humiliate themselves in ways Jews were in 1930s Germany.  Violence on behalf of the political Left is all but excused, if not endorsed and supported.  Guilt or innocence is now based on the latest group label and group identity.  Gender simply isn't and the link between sex and babies is a mystery.  We know overpopulation is causing Global Warming, so anything to reduce the surplus population is a boon.  And we live in an age that treats the forty million who have died of a disease spread overwhelmingly by sex and drugs as martyrs to the holy cause of our libidos.  

And that's just a few of the obvious evils.  All of them are endorsed by the political Left; the same Left becoming more and more open about its desires for a one world global order heavy on the sex and population control, low on personal freedoms and religious liberty.  That is the Left embraced by Kamala Harris and who those who vote for her will either purposefully or ignoantly support. 

Who will win?  I have no idea.  Trump supporters are betting the farm on stacked decks, corrupt polling and a vast underground movement of silent, underreported voters.  If he wins, however, it won't be like last time.  Last time Hillary lost because she ran one of the laziest and most arrogant campaigns I've ever seen.  Plus, the country was not doing well despite the press's insistence otherwise.

Today, the country is hurting, and the press is singing its blues from the rooftops.  We can blame not-Trump as much as we want, but he's still in charge.  And when things go wrong, it's always the leader's fault.  Plus, just in our state, the Harris campaign has not made the same mistakes as last time.  In 2016, we barely saw Clinton or any real backing for Clinton.  For every Clinton sign there were at least two Trump signs. 

Today, for every Trump sign there are two or three "Biden/Harris" signs.  Airwaves have been saturated by Democratic ads, while Trump has largely been silent.  In fact, Trump's campaign seems almost to be working for Biden.  If other states are seeing what we have witnessed, I would be shocked to see Trump win.  He's barely made a dent compared to four years ago.  

Maybe he'll wijn.  If he does, it will be a crushing setback for this new World Order we're witnessing.  The press will certainly be smacked down, as all pretense of objectivity is now dead, and most news casts I watch with few exceptions look more like campaign ads for the Democrats than news.  If Americans reject that, it will send a definite message.

They might not, however.  Trump's campaign has been poorly executed, at least here in the Buckeye State.  Likewise, the press has shut him down, and political non-junkies might have missed just what he has done.  On the same point, such uninformed voters will certainly blame Trump since that is how the press has presented things.  Plus, in fairness, Trump has dropped the ball, especially this year.  While it's almost obscenely evil to suggest everything this year is Trump's fault, it's not much  better to insist none of it is. 

With that said, if the election results are even closely pointing to a Biden win, the PressDemocratsLeft will rush in and demand Trump concede immediately and without delay, will declare it a global mandate, and will call for unity (in Leftist terms meaning conform to the Left or watch your butt).  If it isn't a clear Warren/Biden victory, then expect it to be dragged out interminably.  Expect a repeat of 2000 on acid.  Charges of racism, corruption, voter fraud and oppression, and a broken system in need of reform, just like 2000, to an extent 2004, and of course the years since 2016.  

So we'll see. As a person of Faith, I care about this land of the free that seems tired of its freedoms.  I care about the dying civilization that brought notions of human rights, sanctity of life and democracy into the world.  I worry for my boys and their children.  But I also realize people of faith have faced these things before. 

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