
Friday, February 16, 2018

Too many tears for blogging

Here in our own area, there is a memorial for two of America's finest who were gunned down in the line of duty.  I'm also aware that police have been attacked and killed in other parts of the country since then.

Meanwhile, here is a slideshow of the victims of Parkland.  God bless them and the futures they lost. 

I think that is where my thoughts and prayers are today.  There will be times for debate.   I used to say that if you are going to jump over bodies to advance an agenda, you better be able to demonstrate that your agenda would be able to stop what led to the bodies.

No.  As humans not animals, we grieve.  We mourn.  Politics is not our God.  God is.  At times like this we lift this up to the Lord.  We remember the brave officers and helpless victims.  We mourn with those left behind.  And we show the world that such horrible violence is not a logical extension of our rhetoric, partisanship, and hubris, but rather a glaring exception to a nation still linked to a time when we believed people were made with the divine spark in the image of the Almighty. 
Loving God, you are the author and sustainer of our lives. You know the anguish of the sorrowful, you are attentive to the prayers of the brokenhearted. Hear your people who cry out to you in their need; strengthen their hope in your lasting goodness.  
We pray today for those who have died because of violence, of terrorism. Draw them to yourself; let your face shine upon them. May they be greeted with choirs of angels and experience your eternal peace and joy.  
Be near to all those who have been touched by violence: those who have been hurt, lost their loved ones or lost their sense of security. Be for them a steady comfort and safe resting place.  
Soften the hearts and steady of the minds of those who would do violence to others. May hate be replaced with love, violence with peace and darkness with your light.  

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