
Thursday, February 15, 2018

Celebrating the heroes of Parkland

The teachers and students who risked, and in some cases gave, their lives for others have ascended into hero status.  Likewise the police and first responders who charged into potential harms way, knowing nothing except innocent lives were on the line.

This makes up the best of humanity.  It still doesn't take away the hurt from those who died.  Yet it reminds us that whatever caused this gunman to go down the path of evil and murder, most people do not follow.  Most see in times like this a chance to come together, to mourn and pray, and to celebrate the best that humanity is capable of mustering.

God bless those who risked their lives, who thought only of others, and in some cases gave their lives that others might live.

Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.  John 15:13

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